I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Jaywalking, Coworkers, Margaritas, Hunger Games, Dentists, and Sketch & Edit

Things I've learned over the past couple of days:

-When you decide to jaywalk, make sure no one you know is approaching in a large vehicle.
Slim Shady and I walked to work from the parking lot this morning and walked across the road as no one was coming. Suddenly there's a big silver vehicle headed in our direction and the second we make it to the other side there's this big HOOONK! Yep. Superwoman.


So I guess I should change that to, if you're going to jaywalk make sure not to do it in front of your supervisor. She will give you crap.

-It's good to work with a group of people who get your references. My coworkers rock, I can pull out lines like "You changed it to Latrine?" and reference the "Hug and roll" technique and they know exactly what I'm talking about. They're fantastic. I'm loving this new supervisor even more. She knows Men in Tights and Holy Grail. Impressive. Plus she's gonna hit up The Hunger Games with us.

-The jalapeno resides in the foam. Or so it seems when that's the first thing of the margarita you taste and it kicks you in the ass. Jalapeno margaritas rock. Though Slim Shady does not agree. I told her we were going there tonight to which she replied,
"Are you going to order a disgusting margarita?"
"Maybe I should ask for one and see what they bring me."
"A jalapeno margarita."
Thanks Slim Shady, you rock...no faith in the jalapeno margaritas man, ouch.

-Making a Hunger Games booklist is fun, until it comes to describing them and you haven't read the majority of them. But that's what reviews are for. And granted you don't need to describe them, but I think it's more useful cause then they know why it's similar. I got to do a read-a-like display on it today at work - got to make a sign and everything - and they'll officially advertise the list closer to the movie. I'll give you the link. Stoked for the movie, already bought the tickets.

The boyfriend is currently giving me advice about the dentist. Everyone I've talked to today is just making it worse, I'm freakin' out! I don't do well at dentists okay. I have qualified professionals to back me up when I say that! I'm freakin' famous at the old office! Even based a freakin' Sketch and Edit on the thing.

Maybe I'll repost it. It's been so long since I've finished one of those that it's getting ridiculous. Perhaps if I bring them back it will give me motivation.

I do have a bunch of unfinished ones, but they're missing something. You know? Like this one. I'm not happy with it, and want to go back and change things, which I will in the future. But here's what it is for now.

Sketch and Edit Sit in the Waiting Room originally posted here

E – “I hate waiting rooms. They always make me feel so nervous.”
S – “Remind me why I’m here again.”
E – “Every time I go to the dentist something always goes wrong.”
S – “And I’m here because…”
E – “I need the moral support. You should know I’m famous here for bad things happening. Didn’t you notice the hygienists laughing and giving me funny looks when I checked in?”
S – “I just figured that was a normal reaction for people around you. Why are you famous at your dentist’s office?”
E – “Just traumatic events… I kicked him once.”
S – “The dentist?”
E – “No, Janet Reno, yes the dentist!”
S – “What happened?”
E – “He told me all he needed to do was pull out one of my baby teeth and it wouldn’t take long but ended up cutting it into four pieces.”
S – “Ouch, but that’s not that bad.”
E – “And I passed out, it was embarrassing.”
S – “Lots of people pass out at their dentist’s.”
E – “Do they also freak out over having too much Novacaine, run to the lobby, smack their heads on the main desk, conk out cold and then wake up in their dentist’s arms?”
S – “All that here?”
E – “Yeah, last time I was here they asked if they should put a big red x in front of the desk. Apparently I made number three on their list of top five highlights in this office. I bet it’s down to number four now though since he got arrested this summer.”
S – “What?”
E – “Thought you might like that one. He was giving illegal prescriptions over the phone of something like that.”
S – “Your dentist is a felon?!”
E – “Say it again but louder, I don’t think the mailman heard you. And my orthodontist committed suicide a while ago too.”
S – “Are your teeth really that bad?” *Edit glares* “So, basically I’m here to…?”
E – “Keep me from getting violent and/or passing out in the lobby…or just generally embarrassing myself.”
S – “Sounds like a full-time job.”
Dentist – “We’re ready for you now.” *leaves*
S – “Was that the felon?”
E – “Yes.”
S – “Aw, no felons have the right to be that good looking…”
E – “Slow down there cowgirl. I’ll be back soon…hopefully.”
S – “Okay, I’ll just be here, building up my tolerance for heedless celebrity gossip. Look, it’s Brad and Jennifer!”
E – “I always was Team Aniston. I bet if you dig deep enough in those piles you’ll find some about Hugh Grant and Elizabeth Hurley…” *leaves, comes back twenty minutes later to find a red-marker-colored taped ‘x’ in front of the desk* “Oh, You’re dead.” *Sketch smiles and makes a run for it*

Oh my god, so sad it's been so long that when I went to find it I realized I had like 5 sitting at the bottom that I've completely forgotten about altogether. And they actually don't suck! Like this one.

So that's exciting and depressing at the same time. Exciting because they don't suck, but depressing because I've changed so much that I don't even have time to write anymore.

I'm supposed to be editing two stories for a friend, granted I'm almost done with one of them, but I've had them for like 2 months. Worst editor ever.

Where was I before all this?




Appointment to get cavaties filled tomorrow. Mom is taking me cause they're getting me all drugged up. Am taking my headphones, I'll try to remember not to sing. Or do anything embarrassing. But if you're drugged up you really don't care about that anyway.

Alright, out for the night. Not gonna be fun tomorrow cause after all that - I'll sleep it off hopefully - I get to do all my homework and get it posted as it's due at some point this weekend, I should probably figure out what date exactly. But it's just reading articles and posting my opinion. But first sleep will be required to think properly. Both now and after the appointment.

"Every Other Time" LFO



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