I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Leave the pieces when you go

I'm cooked like a lobster.

Which is Italian for exhausted.

I got this great book - from the library of course - called "I'm not hanging noodles on your ears" and it's filled with ridiculous idioms from across the world.

It's highly amusing.

Here are some of my highlights so far:

-"to show the peacock" to vomit - polish

-"thighs shaped like banana trees" compliment to an attractive woman - bengali

-"swallowed like a postman's sock" hopelessly in love - spanish

-"reheated cabbage" an attempt to revive a lapsed love affair - italian

-"to throw mothers" to curse, swear at - spanish

-"the son of a duck is a floater" like father like son - arabic

-"ducks are falling already roasted" it's scorching hot - spanish

-"here the donkey falls" the important part - italian

-"to drown the fish" to lose by deliberate confusion - french

There's more, but I'll leave you with those for now.

Today was good, led my first TAB meeting, not as many were there so we finished early and went to jam out in the courtyard. It was nice out.


And more dead birds. That's two in two days. Same girl found it too, I think she actually looks for them.

Dead birds aren't really my thing so I called the guard.

Pretty sure he loves me for that.

Mom brought me more fruit. And I think I'm set for life in lightbulbs.

I don't remember the apartment ever being this bright.

And I'm stoked for the fruit. But I'm a nerd like that.

I was gonna buy lightbulbs myself tonight but she was there. I went anyway cause I had to get birthday presents. There's a lot of birthdays in March. Two of my nieces, plus my mother's, plus one of my old friend's as well. We gave her crap cause she was born on the Ides of March.

Though I think it's me that's the jinx. Yesterday while jamming with Queen of the Known Universe she flails out of her chair. I told her I'd give her more points if she would have screamed. I know I would have.

But then today the new supervisor, that I still haven't come up with a proper nickname for, slams her finger in the cash register for the first time in seven years.


I think it's me.

I'm already klutzy on my own, but now it's contageous.

What else from today...

Superwoman and I made an E-books display today in the main entryway. Hung up some pictures of e-readers and all that. It turned out pretty cool. But it's National Read an E-book week. We turned it into a month since we were late - I was sick and she was busy. Will have to find some flyers or something.

Joyful and triumphant.

She took away a point today so I'm down to 141.5 cause I had my feet up on the table. Apparently that's not what a librarian is supposed to do. She's grooming me into the perfect librarian apparently. Between her and the Library Goddess I'm toast.

Tomorrow is more of the same, all day but minus the meetings. And hopefully the klutzy drama, but with me it's inevitable.

On to the music:

I had Billy Ocean's "get out of my dreams get into my car" stuck in my head all day. Was singing it all over the building - boss's office, basement, front desk, backroom while doing display - drove me nuts.

Info-Man says there are worse songs that could be stuck in my head. He's right, last time I told John Boy about a song being stuck in my head he started singing the song that never ends.

I replaced that one with "it's a small world afterall" and believe me, that's even worse.

So, in hopes of this one erasing all of those let's pick a good one. Hmmm...

"Leave the Pieces" The Wreckers

it's official. this is my favorite of all time. it was a toss up before between this one, tracy chapman's "give me one reason" and aaliyah's "are you that somebody" but somehow it always comes back to this one.

i'm still a farmgirl at heart.



  1. Ok, so I'm reading your list of idioms and thought I read "swallowed like a postman's cock" :-) Sometimes that little filthy mind just sneaks out there.

    Queen of the known universe told me about her fall and that you only rated her a 5.9. Were you a russian judge in a previous life?

    Well, obviously I have nothing intelligent to say so I'll sign off.

  2. I would have scored her higher but she didn't scream or stick the landing.
