I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Happy Hunger Games and May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor

IDK, my BFF Katniss?

Don't read if you don't want to be spoiled.

Not that there are massive spoilers, but minor ones.

Okay, so after work myself, Slim Shady, Fearless Leader and BossLady - not to be confused with BossWoman aka SuperWoman - hit up an opening day showing of The Hunger Games.

With all the hype and build-up we're major nerds so we just hoped it wouldn't suck. That was the common thought throughout the week. Along with Oh it's gonna be great, I wonder how they'll do this, or how he'll play this, but the major one was I hope it doesn't suck.



It didn't suck.

It wasn't uber-fantastic.

But I think at moments it was worth the hype.

I don't know, I'm going back and forth.

I did a poll after the movie, cause I'm the biggest nerd apparently, Fearless Leader gave it a 5-6 on the Scale of Awesome, BossLady said 6, and Slim Shady and myself said 7/10.

So overall we'll call it a strong 6.5

Which is mildly depressing.

I don't know, like I said I'm going and forth.

It definitely had its moments where I was on edge, and I jumped a few times, but it wasn't spectacular the whole was through. The beginning was slow but that's okay cause you need to know why they're fighting and all the background stuff. It picked up during the prep and actual games.

I'm wondering if maybe I hadn't read the book that they would have made it better?

Since I knew everything beforehand, yes I understood things more clearly than people who hadn't, but still I already knew what was going to happen next.

With the last Harry Potter it was the only one I didn't read and it was nice that way cause I didn't know what was happening. I had read the others beforehand and was frustrated they include certain elements from the book so for the last one it was like all I need are the highlights.

Besides it's a lot of pages to cover in 2.5 hours.

I'd explain the missing stuff but I'm guessing half of you ignored the spoiler warning at the top and plan on seeing this in the near-distant future so I'll shutup.

The cast was perfect in their roles, Lenny Kravitz included. and Jennifer Lawrence played Katniss so well that I actually belived it. I really loved that Laser from The Kids Are Alright played Peeta. Since I haven't read the last two I'm interested to see how that turns out.

Yes, I know I'm a horrible librarian. I recommend the series all the time but still haven't read the last two.

What else?

Costumes were great. The Capitol looking about like Lady Gaga's home planet.

It was action-packed, I'm actually surprised it was only rated PG:13 as it was so violent.

But well-deserved. I hope people get intersted in the rest of the stories. Right not there are about 100 holds on the first one.

I was glad we got our tickets in advance. Not that it was too crazy, but it was easier this way. And we got lucky finding four seats in a row.

We did have to laugh because I'm pretty sure the girl behind us hadn't read the books. There's a super serious part where someone dies and the chick started crying. Slim Shady and I looked at each other and just laughed. Inappropriate for the moment, but still.

Alright, I'm out for the night. Tomorrow is the wedding and I have to wear a dress. Sunday is work and homework and then Monday I'm half off, woohoo!


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