I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

the one where things get all mushy and weird

Think I’m gonna start counting how many cars crash and burn in this series.

I’m up to at least 5 and I’m only three discs into the first season.

Next up is the Beamish episode – which I always dread cause it’s weird. Pretty sure that’s true for all Die-hard Angel fans, you just mention Beamish and they all groan.

But when I watch a season I watch the whole season so I’ll try to get through it without giggling or referencing Citizen Kane again, don’t ask.

This whole sick thing is turning me into a social leaper.

I haven’t talked to my best friend in days, I haven’t seen my boyfriend in weeks...a fact that both of them at this very moment are none-too-pleased about.

But I’m a crap communicator. Always have been.

Take this blog for instance, sure I post every night but when is the last time I had a serious entry of any kind?

I will pay you money if you can find an entry on this thing that’s completely serious with no quotes or cheesy references at all.

To me that just sounds completely awkward and boring. I mean, who wants to read something by someone who whines all the time, it’d be like nonstop Meredith narrations on Grey’s.

Not that she doesn’t have her own moments of comedy.

But that’s my theory on life: keep your head down, then when in doubt make them laugh. It’s just easier to keep everything bottled up, then you don’t have to deal with it.

Apparently, thinking like that gets me in trouble with my friends and family.

Working in public service hasn’t helped with this attitude.

And it’s not that I don’t like my job. I love it. But that’s the problem. I’ve become what people refer to as a work-a-holic, so much so that when I get home I’m so exhausted that I don’t want to talk to anyone or deal with drama of any kind.

Which makes me a really crappy best friend and a really boring girlfriend.

So, for those of you out there who are still reading this, here are real words from a very crappy communicator.

I’m grateful for all of you. You are both fantastic and crazy for putting up with my endless amounts of crap.

I may not say it enough, but when I do I mean it. Thanks for sticking with me.

See what I mean about awkward and boring? Though it was and is sincere.

And now, to detract from the seriousness of the moment which I feel is necessary in life both virtual and real, here are some things I learned today:

-In Utah, birds have the right of way on all highways, do keep in mind that these are from the internet so they could be complete crap

-A hippo can open its mouth wide enough to fit a 4 foot tall child inside, how they figured that one out i do not want to know

-If a lobster loses an eye it will grow another one, see that's just not natural

-The powder on chewing gum is finely-ground marble, seriously? that can't be healthy.

-The 7-11 Extreme Gulp is 50% bigger than the volume of the human stomach, bet that don't put that on the label.

-L. Frank Baum named Oz after a file cabinet in his office, one cabinet was labed A-N, and the second was labeled O-Z, i enjoy how macguire used his name as inspiration for Elphaba

-The famous Casanova (Giacomo Casanova) was a librarian for many years before he died, yeah i bet he put the service in public service

-Since 1978, at least 37 people have died as a result of shaking vending machines in an attempt to get free merchandise. More than 100 people have been injured, which is ironic cause i read this one outloud literally five minutes before the New Guy came in and was talking about shaking the thing to get something unstuck.

Alright, that's all for tonight. Dentist appointment tomorrow morning and then a staff meeting, plus a whole day of joy at the library.

"Bend Me Shape Me" The American Breed

i enjoy that they sway in a choreographed manner.


1 comment:

  1. You know this sounds so much like me when I was working that it's scary. Yes, you want to just be alone to decompress when you get home from work. And no, you are not in the mood for drama. When I was taking care of sick, elderly parents I got it coming and going and I'm sure I was very unpleasant. I think you've done a good thing by expressing your gratitude for everyone. Sometimes that's the best you can do.

    Ok, so I got a little serious too, but I had to make up for yesterday's posting :-)
