I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Give up the funk

Today mostly sucked.

I'm having a bit of a "life sucks and then you die" kind of day.

Went to the dentist at 8AM.


First time there as I usually go to their other office - it was closer to my hometown and I know everyone and all that.

I have never had a cavity in my life. Now apparently I have four.

They run a bunch of different tests at this one, measuring gums and doing something with lasers. Made me late to work, though I had given my boss notice in advance.

I have to go back next week to get them filled.

So, because I'm apparently a total pathetic loser I called my mom freaking out, and she's gonna take me.

But you don't understand, the last time they had to numb me for something I woke up in the dentists arms...go here: Sketch and Edit Sit in the Waiting Room

Not exactly one of my finer moments, but it did make their top five.

And I know this sounds trivial for you, cavities and all that, but anything that involves needles, or even the thought of them makes me pass out. Or at least freak out, hit my head on a desk, konk out for a few minutes then wake up in my dentists arms.

So I told him that. He said he'd give me that laughing gas stuff instead.

John Boy said I needed to take a recorder with me in case I said something worthy of blackmail.

Anyway, the fact that I was emotional and anything could set me off made me avoid coworkers and stay away from conversations and all that.

That just put me in a funk for the rest of the day, but I have great coworkers so it didn't last long.

Plus an old high school friend stopped by so I was alright by mid-afternoon.

It was just one of those days you know?

But I was productive after work, finished my takehome quiz, added to my group wiki, next step is to read some articles and post on a discussion board, then comment on 2 other peoples's posts. Should be interesting.

And I finally got to talk to Sketch about anything and everything. Which was way overdue.

At the moment I am literally about to pass out, feeling light-headed and all that so I'll post this and be off.

As I was in one for most of the day - though still had that damn billy ocean song stuck in my head - here are some great funk numbers to jam to.

"Give Up the Funk" Parliament

"Let it Whip" Dazz Band

heard this one on the new guy and laughed



  1. Dentists, yeah, well I remember having an impacted wisdom tooth out when I was 14. They gave me a tranquilizer before I went and I was higher than a kite by the time I got there. I was so relaxed they had to tie me to the chair to keep me from sliding out. I apparently also started singing. My mother was laughing so hard when we drove home, she nearly drove over a curb. My dentist now no longer lets me have ear phones when he works on me. He says I sing. Not sure what it is about dentists and singing but there you are.

    Take your Ipod and listen to music (do not sing) or listen to an audio book to take your mind off of what's going on. Does your dentist have a TV in the room? That might help too. It's just the first shot that's a killer after that you can't feel anything so more shots is not a problem.

    Not sure if this is any help, but good luck anyway!

  2. oh wisdom teeth...i had those removed right before i had to teach vbs, and actually teaching 7th-8th graders is easier when you're medicated, but dude, i hate needles so i marked that down as "date of death" in my calendar.
    i walked in and closed my eyes. kept them closed the entire time. i didn't want to think about it.
    apparently i asked when they were going to start when they were actually finished - which i have no recollection of - though i do remember the dentist helping me to the car cause there were lots of steps and i kept having to sit down.
