I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, December 23, 2013

"Did you just say your daughter was an Amish dude?" "Honor student, my daughter is an honor student."

Happy Christmas Eve Eve.

I'm alive.


Just took the weekend off and then felt like crap so I'm posting it all now. 

Added two posts for yesterday and the day before though because otherwise it would be music overload.

I know that's cheating but it's my blog so get over it. 

So, where was I? 

Oh right, let's start with the TAB Holiday Party on Saturday. 


Ordered pizza, ate ice cream, drank apple juice - they had eggnog which just grosses me out - and played tons and tons of Apples to Apples. It was awesome. 

Though the thing is that they like playing the regular version instead of the junior version so last year we made a rule that if they didn't know who the person was then they got to discard and pick another. 

There were so many people this year it was ridiculous and it made me feel super old. Like camp all over again but this time no Noel to save me. 

On this year's list was: Bill Murray, Madonna, and then Nicolas Cage came up and one of them was like, "oh isn't he that cute old guy?" first off, ew, and second, is 50 old?

It used to be but now it's not. Maybe that's cause I'm halfway there. 

There were many others but I'm blanking on names, I literally went through 5 cards in a row discarding them all because even though I knew who they were they wouldn't which means I would lose every time cause no one would get my references. 

But that's okay, they're young and fun and all that. 

Anyway, so that was a lot of fun then after I went home to take a nap but ended up going over to help Mom unload all the party stuff at the hotel meanwhile getting a pounding headache. 

So basically I helped her unload all her stuff and then the Cool Aunt showed up so I took ibuprofen and laid down to sleep it off in Mom's room. 

Didn't work, ended up watching Indiana Jones part four - still sucks, btw they had 20 years to write it and that's what they came up with? aliens? seriously? - and not getting any sleep nor did the headache go away. 

But then it was 6 and my boyfriend showed up so I took another dose and headed out to be social. 

That dose seemed to work cause 10 minutes later I was all over the place greeting people and forgetting about the headache entirely. 

Was awesome, all my siblings with their spouses and kids, plus his family was all there, the cool aunt and her sons who i've dubbed as the "cool cousins". They're not my only cool ones I have, they're just the only ones I see anymore and since the Cool Aunt borned them it seemed fitting. 

Anyway, I passed on to the dancing baby on to the cool cousins. Have I told you about that freakin' thing yet? Yes, it's in here somewhere. 

AHA! Found it. "Story behind the dancing baby is a bit of a mystery. It originated around 15 years ago and has been making the rounds ever sense. And its not like a nice cute doll. its ugly. and it dances. Well, it's two pieces so when you shake it its upper body flails and it looks like its dancing. and it's still in the package. If you get it you're stuck with it for a year before you wrap it up and give it to someone else."

So last year I got stuck with it and now I'm giving it back. It can adorn their shelves for a year before someone else gets it. I was just proud I didn't lose it. Which for me - meant keeping it somewhere I would always see it, aka above my TV - everyone who saw it went "what the crap?" and then I had to rehash the story for them over and over.

Where was I? Oh right, so my family, his family, cool aunt and cool cousins, one of the favorite aunties plus one of her kids and wife and their kids, plus a bunch of my cool coworkers, and of course the Library Goddess.

Many pictures were taken, including one with boss #1 and boss #2. I let them fight over who fits what title, it's an ongoing battle.

So it was madness, but the good kind of madness that was sort of contained.


Minus the tiny children running all over the place.

I felt bad for the chick on duty at the desk, but to be fair we did bring her lots and lots of food to make up for it.

There was a ton of food there. Mom made chili, mints and my favorite punch, Oldest Sister brought meat and cheese tray plus everything that everyone else forgot, Favorite Sister-In-Law brought chips plus this awesome cheese dip, and then Second Sister brought the vodka slush which won over the crowd.

I raved to my coworkers about it so I made them try it.

Unfortunately my master plan to get the Queen of the Known Universe inebriated failed. But that was just attempt number one, it'll happen.

The question of the night became "you got the degree, now what?"

And honestly the truth is I don't know.

I'm comfortable where I am, but I've been told on numerous occasions that I shouldn't stay there too long or I'll be stuck there forever.

Which to me would be fine. I don't know, we'll see if any positions open up in the near future. If not I'm content. For now.

To be honest I'm waiting for them to make the final decision on the boyfriend's hours before I make any major decisions. If he gets switched to second maybe moving somewhere and working 11-8 would be better. For now 9-6 is good for us so I'm sticking with it.

So that was all Saturday.

Sunday was church, the dinner with Mom, Dad, the boyfriend and Oldest Sister's family. We went to this Greek place for the second Sunday in a row - which is fine by me it's good food and there's no wait, plus they have a breakfast menu, not that I order off of it, but it's there.

After that the boyfriend and I watched Shawshank Redemption, waited in line at Best Buy for obscene amounts of time but I got my headphones, and then we saw American Hustle.

It was good, not my favorite, but alright. Scale of Awesome says 6/10.

I know, I'm harsh.

I love that Jennifer Lawrence got the "and" in the credits over all these seasoned actors. That's just how badass she is, take that!

No it was a good cast and the script was alright, their hairdos were seriously messing with my mind, Jeremy Renner's mostly followed very closely by Christian Bale's. But I guess that was the style.

So that was Saturday and Sunday. Today is Monday, I felt like crap so I spent most of it sleeping on the couch and when I wasn't sleeping on the couch I was sleeping on the bed.

We'll see how much sleep I get tonight.

On to the music Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Ten

I'm throwing this in first cause the boyfriend and I enjoy it immensely.

It seems every episode SNL gets at least one sketch right, this was this Saturday's.

Shakira, Pitbull and Alanis are all dead on, but I loved Snape cause it was so random.

Alright, Day Ten songs are:

White Christmas - Wood and Wire

live from Austin, these guys are great

2012 was Team Blake from the Voice, 2011 was The Drifters

Welcome Christmas - Girls Generation

okay i'm a chicago nut but i was like, wait what? ohhh..."all that christmas". well they had the dance down. i enjoyed that in the subtitles it was all foreign and then there would be like 2 words in english in the middle of it all.

apparently they have the most popular video in the world at the moment beating out cyrus and bieber. no it's not this one, it's this one. don't look at me, it's k-pop i have no idea.

2012 was the original Grinch classic, 2011 was Glee

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - Postmodern Jukebox

love this one - swing version, she has a great voice.

2012 was Barenaked Ladies, 2011 was Glee

and then my favorite "new" christmas song, aka not one of the classics, which I posted in 2011 but not in 2012 cause I didn't find a cover that I liked but this year i did so i'm adding it back.

Wish List - Only Seven Left

i just want you, oh darling, i just want you.


2011 Day Ten - I just want you, oh darling, I just want you.
2012 Day Ten - Westward Leading, Still Proceeding

uno, dos, tres, christmas.

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