I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, December 16, 2013

Darth Vader follows me on Twitter. Take that world.

Okay, fair warning this post is going to be music-filled cause Voice finals were tonight along with The Sing Off which I put off watching though I don't know why cause after tonight holy crap.

Seriously, watch this and tell me you aren't a fan.

Yep, going back to watch the rest of the season.

Oh look, Pentatonix.

That explains why they're everywhere.

Anyway, before all this there wasn't a lot of music, minus when I was off desk cause I do listen to my headphones when I'm off desk.

Do some dancing and all that in the elevators.

Though you really have to watch out for which elevator you're in cause we have two and one has a bigass window and that would just be bad.

The other one is super slow and claustrophobic so to pass the time it works.

Where was I?

Oh right, work.

Work was super slow today - think it was the weather, everyone was outside instead.

It was a sweltering 40-some degrees today.

You scoffed at that, but 40-something is sweltering for December in Nebraska.

There's people outside in shorts.

It's madness.

And it's supposed to continue to swelter this week and hit 49 at some point. I'm hoping the trend is slowness doesn't continue as well.

But, I do actually get a lot done when it's slow so it wasn't all that bad.

We're working on getting plastic bags for the checkout which is super boring to you, I'm aware, but big for us, well me since I'm supplies and have to write a proposal for it and all that.

Thankfully I have Superwoman around to make it all shiny and stuff.

Speaking of shiny stuff, I got my final GPA. I finished with a 3.978 which out of 4.0 isn't all that bad.

Would have been a 4.0 if not for that lone A-


*cough*Library Goddess*cough*

What else from today that's not music-related?

Oh, so I posted on Twitter something I found online that goes a little something like this:

Jingle bells, 
Twilight smells,
Edward ran away. 
Bella dies, 
Jacob cries, 
Star Wars all the way.

Half an hour later I get a notification that Darth Vader now follows me on Twitter.

So take that world.

It's sad, but I'm proud of that.

Brother will be super jealous, though not jealous enough to actually join Twitter. Or any social network at all for that matter.

He's a lot like my dad, they're both luddites.

Dad's only experience with technology are his smart tractors and his reality-filled DVR.

Or "reality" that is.

Duck Dynasty. Swamp People. American Pickers. Big Shrimpin'. Ax Men. Pawn Stars.

There's more should I go on?

Anyway, I'm pumped. Now I will have to find more Star Wars humor and post it to keep him on my side.

Okay, now on to the music.

So yes, tonight was the Voice finals. Tessanne rocked it. She's still my number one and I think she deserves to win, but I'm secretly cheering for Will cause he's the complete underdog.

He lost in the battles then got stolen by Xtina. He lost in the knockouts then got stolen back by Adam. He beat out James, Cole and Matthew which is madness and he did it all in style.

I know, I know, you don't care, but you should watch this cause it's excellent.

Tiny Dancer

I cheered when I heard "take on an Elton John classic" then attempted to guess what it would be. Not even close.

Love those guys.

Anyway, for the - well, second to - last time here's my Top 20:

Top 20

Red - Adam
Pink - Xtina
Green - Blake
Grey - CeeLo

Tessanne Chin
Matthew Schuler - Eliminated in lives
Holly Henry - Eliminated in knockouts
Kat Robichaud - Eliminated in lives
Grey - Eliminated in live rounds

Brandon Chase - Eliminated in knockouts
Michael Lynch - Eliminated in battles
Timyra Joi - Eliminated in battles
Briana Cuoco - Eliminated in battles
Jacquie Lee

Tamara Chauniece - Eliminate in lives
Ashley Dubose - Eliminated in battles
Monika Leigh - Eliminated in battles
Shelbie Z - Eliminated in lives
James Wolpert - Eliminated in lives

Josh Logan - Eliminated in live
Caroline Pennel - Eliminated in lives
Johnny Gray - Eliminated in lives
Olivia Henken - Eliminated in lives
Ray Boudreaux - Eliminated in lives

So go Tessanne, Jacquie and Will. Whoever wins you deserve it cause this year's was crazy competitive.

Alright, on to the actual music.

Day Three of Christmas Music That Doesn't Suck

Tonight's song choices are:

Christmas Wrapping - Save Ferris

oh my god, was not expecting the twist on the lyrics, love it.

2011 was The Waitresses, 2012 was The Donnas

Santa Claus is Coming to Town - Cimorelli

no, i don't expect you to know who they are, but you should check them out. they've done a ton of covers, my favorite of which is probably Call Me Maybe that they turn into an 80's workout video.

2011 was Glee, 2012 was Michael Buble

Let It Snow - Christina Perri

love her, she's great, but you know that already since i've posted like 8 things by her already on here.

2011 was Michael Buble, 2012 was Frank Sinatra

this was a close second for that last one:

shutup wesley!

2011 Day Three - You Better Not Pout, I'm Telling You Why
2012 Day Three - You Mean You Forgot Cranberries Too?

and speaking of 80's workout videos, check this out if you haven't already:

Library. Desk. Potatoes.

out, legit pre-midnight, holy crap tag in use.

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