I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

But I fumbled it when it came down to the wire.

So it's official. I can graduate. I passed all my classes. Even got an A in practicum.

That was really the only one I was worried about. Feel like I learned more in that class than any previous class which makes sense cause it's hands on experience.

At first I was flustered because I had to work somewhere else, but after I got started I really enjoyed it.

Anyway, so that makes this weekend official. Got my cap and gown, booked the rooms, ready for the ceremony and pre-ceremony thing.

There's a lot of ceremonies.

There's even an online one which I'm supposed to RSVP for.

Woops, do that tomorrow.

The problem though is that I'm really not a girly girl so I don't know what to wear to these things.

What's the dress code for a Master's graduation?

I don't know what it was about today but I was just in a funk.

Which is weird, cause I learned I passed this morning, but it didn't seem to change anything.

Probably because even though I attempted to go to bed early last night I didn't sleep very well. So I was all zombie-mode this morning. And basically the rest of the work day. And then I had a TAB meeting this afternoon which normally are fine, but today was just bad.

It was bad and I'm glad it's over. That's all I'm gonna say about that.

So, I was glad that after work things picked up. Met with my parents, went out for supper, then hung out with the boyfriend. We watched Home Alone 2 - the second half, we watched the first half earlier this week - and then Sister Act 2.

Both of which are excellent sequels and have excellent soundtracks.

I'm hoping tomorrow is like the latter half of today and not the former.

The Wire - HAIM

aww, poor guys. good video, catchy song, i dig it.

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