I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

there's gonna be a heartache tonight, a heartache tonight i know...

Do you ever wonder if construction workers put out those orange cones just to mess with us?

Like, "you thought we were gonna fix this road, but instead we'll just leave the cones here for a month. Psych!"

Sometimes I'm curious.

And then I just want to ram the cones.

Like bowling, you know?

I am the only one that has the urge to run them over?

Gonna have to make progress soon, after all there's only two seasons in Nebraska: Husker Football and Road Construction. Mix those and you have a lot of unhappy tailgators.

Today was crazy.

BossLady: "Where's the stop button?!"

We needed a moment of peace and silence but didn't get it at the front desk.

Where's the pause button when you need it?

So there are these chocolate covered jellybeans at work, they're fantastic. I thought they were raisons but it appears not to be so.

Will have to find some for my apartment, fantastic.

Sorry, random.

"you did what? with who? for how many jellybeans?"

High school phrase. Dig it.

Falling asleep so gonna post the rest fast.

Tomorrow is the interview with the communications student. A little nervewracking which is stupid cause it's not me who should be nervous, but I'm gonng make it up as I go along since they didn't give me anything beforehand about what to talk about.

I hope she brings good questions.

Also tomorrow is more homework. I actually did a bunch tonight, but I HATE LESSON PLANS! Part of the reason I dropped the Ed program and just went with English.

For our last assignment we have to come out with a lesson plan to teach people the Dewey system or Library of Congress system.

As we use Dewey I'm going with that.

I'm come up with the objectives and then come up with a powerpoint and attach it.


That's my plan.

Take this job and shove it.

No idea where that came from but I like it.

So I'm watching NCIS, ps the boyfriend thinks I watch too much TV. Which intrigues me cause it's not on all that often, sure I have certain shows I tune in for, mostly The Voice and Castle and the rest of the nights I have other stuff going on so it goes to the DVR.

Then I watch if I get time.

Like now.

"Beer nuts."
"Fire retardant."


Jamie Lee Curtis used to be a redhead, so I guess that counts as Gibbs rules.

His original wife, aka Castle's ex-wife, is now the ranting investigator on Scandal. "He's anti-choice, pro-gun, hates the gays and likes it when kids pray in school."

Love it.

Another thing I love?

Samuel L. Jackson and Zooey Deschanel iphone commercial. So fantastic, I want one!

I wonder if there's a download app I could isntall on my ipod. That'd be nice.

Song of the night:

"Heartache Tonight" Team Blake

excellent dance moves my jordis there in the end. made me totally sad to see clips of her performing in front of a crowd they went to visit and she was still in it at the time as it was taped prior to eliminations.
i like blake cause it's simple and classic, where as adam's is so loud, cee-lo has a flair for the dramatic and with xtina there are people everywhere.
I mean, they're all fantastic, I like each style, but Blake's is just laid back.

PS- Christina Aguilera and Team Xtina is on Jay Leno.

Pre-recorded so it still has Ashley DeLa Rosa and Moses Stone.

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