I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

She's a good-hearted woman in love with a good-timin' man.

Homework bites.

I finished the majority of it, just gotta finish the lesson plan and then I'm DONE!

With the class!!

Well, after I go there on Sunday, but then I'll be DONE!!

With the class!!

Until June!!

It's all very exciting.

Know what else is very exciting?

I Love You Phillip Morris.

Actually it's not so exciting.

I can't make up my mind about it.

The movie is on crack, one minute it's hysterical comedy, then next it's horribly depressing.

Based on a true story of a prisoner who falls in love with another prisoner, but it so happens that the first prisoner is a conman, and then they when they get separated he keeps breaking out of prison so he can be with the other prisoner.

Jim Carrey, Ewan McGregor, genius.

Yes the Grinch and Obiwan Kenobi.

But it's like, one minute he's hilarious comedic, and then something horrific happens and it just makes you sad.

Scale of Awesome says 6/10, not anything too fantastic or that I'll watch again, but it's okay I guess.
I have a whole stack of DVD's I gotta watch in the next few weeks. But I have Saturday off so as soon as my homework is done and posted it's movie marathon. Stoked! First day I've had off and have no plans whatsoever.

Today flew by, this whole week has, nonstop. Got more space for the young adult area, massive display which rocks as I didn't have much before.

More supplies stuff, used the guillotine to chop up some application forms.

That thing is mad wicked man, but gotta keep both hands out from under it because it would totally be me chopping limbs off. Infoman pointed out the Bones episode in which somebody used one as a murder weapon.


Alright, exhausted.

Here's some music

"Good Hearted Woman" Waylon Jennings


I'm out!

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