I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, April 19, 2013

why do we even have that lever?

Chief quoted Emperor's New Groove on my wall yesterday.

So guess what I'm watching tonight.

Watch that and tell me it's not hysterical.

Please just try.

"and when it arrives I'll s-mash it with a hammer!"

Should totally make another.

Cause Kronk's New Groove was dumb.

But it wouldn't be the same since Eartha Kitt died in 2008.

She voiced Yzma.

"It's called a 'cruel irony', like my dependence on you."

Haven't seen this in like a decade.

Jokes are funnier now.

Probably one of my favorite cartoon movies of all time.

Might in fact be my favorite cartoon movie of all time...

Let me think.

The only other cartoons I really watched were Garfield - and I didn't even see those movies cause they sounded awful - Scooby Doo and the movies they made of those weren't animated, and if they made some I didn't see them. Then there was Rocket Power and....well I watch The Grinch every Christmas, the original anyway. Lilo and Stitch was good.

Yep, I guess it takes the cake.

And how can you beat David Spade and Wendie Malick's reunion?

Oh, Just Shoot Me, that'd make for an awesome movie!

Did you hear they're making a Veronica Mars movie?

Anyway, David Spade, Wendie Malick, John Goodman, Eartha Kitt, and Patrick Warburton - who I now just call Kronk no matter what he's in.

So today flew by pretty quickly.

Started off at the home branch with the Queen of Awesome.

Always fun to work with her, even if I am half-asleep on my feet.

Sleep-deprived Space Cadet #2.

Anyway, after a couple hours there headed back to the work branch, then lunch at the Chinese joint when I noticed the Eli Young Band bus parked outside the library.

And it's like massive and taking up multiple parking stalls.

The Reference Queen was curious if it was paying for every one of those meters...

The rest of the day was dedicated to catching up on the manhunt.

You always know it's big when the TV's on at work. Otherwise it's just the powerpoint.

After work it was homework. Worked on it from 8-1. Still not done.

I mean, I would be, if the website was working.

Stupid online resources and their update hours.

Apparently normal people don't research databases on a Friday night.

Or I'm just not doing it right.

Either way it's not due until 10 Saturday night.

So I'll have tomorrow to finish it up, it's literally the last question, it'll take me 20 minutes tops.

Even if it Breaks Your Heart - Eli Young Band

Goodbye Earl - Dixie Chicks

still one of my favorite videos of all time.

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