I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, April 29, 2013

It's Shakespearean, it's Dickensian, it's Kardashian.

Back at work today.

You could tell it was Monday.

Lots of tired staff and not a lot of patrons so it was a little slow.

Which is fine cause it gives me time to work on other projects like more Summer Reading and volunteer stuff.

Got one of my adult volunteers started on shelving Youth Services.

She's Russian and used to work in a library in Russia so she picked it up very quickly.

So quickly in fact that I barely had to train her at all. When I went through each category she pointed out where they go and when I started her on shelving she put them in the exact space they're supposed to go.

I'm making her tag them so I can look over them, but still, I'm impressed.

That's really all I can remember about today.

Oh, except for the part where some dude asked if he could take a picture of my Green Lantern t-shirt.

But what do you say to that, really?

I told him he could find pictures of it online or find it at Target.

Guess that's what I get for wearing fun shirts.

He's another one that makes up excuses to come to the desk to talk to me. Last week he rambled about some sort of chemistry meteorology thing, I don't know I can't remember.

Tried to block it from my brain.

But Queen of the Known Universe was laughing.

Dangit, just when my stalker count was lowering out.

Castle tonight was epic. Love the flashbacks. Kind of cheesed up the drama part, but she was standing on a bomb so you had to have some sort of comic relief.

And Bones was alright. For a season finale I was expecting more. I am super depressed for Brennan now though.

2 Broke Girls was humorous.

Yes I spent a lot of tonight on the couch watching TV but I need a night off from homework and stress and all that.

Anyway, they filmed an episode - well, fake filmed - an episode of SVU in the diner and hired Max and Caroline as extras.

That's where the status is from, basically they're pimping themselves out as actresses so they can get money to pay for Chesnutt's shoes - he's a horse.

The Voice was also on tonight and of course I'm saving it for last cause I get all rambly.

Battles were last week - check out this video cause it's awesome:

Dropping it down from 12 members to 8.

I love that video, that's cool.

Tonight was Night One for Knockouts - Team Adam and Team Shakira, tomorrow will be Team Blake and Team Usher. Each artist picks their own song to sing and their coaches pair them up against each other. So they went from 8 to 4 members each for the live rounds which will start next week!

Big upsets tonight, I lost 2 of my top 5 - Midas Whale (huge shock) and Monique Abbadie.

But the winners deserved it.

Here's my lineups after Night One of the Knockouts.

Red = Adam
Green = Blake
Blue = Usher
Purple = Shakira

Judith Hill - Adam, defeated Karina in battles and Orlando in knockout round
Jess Kellner - Usher, defeated Taylor
Midas Whale - Adam, defeated Patrick, beat by Amber in knockout round
Caroline Glaser - Blake, lost to Taylor stolen by Adam, defeated Amy in knockout round
Monique Abbadie - Shakira, defeated Luke, lost to Karina in knockout round

Sasha Allen - lost battle, stolen by Shakira, defeated Shawna in knockout round
Michelle Chamuel - Usher, defeated Chelsea
Sarah Simmons - Adam, defeated Duncan in battles and Warren in knockout round
Christian Porter - Blake, eliminated during battles
Jessica Childress - Usher, eliminated during battles

Jeff Lewis - Usher, eliminated during battles
Jacqui Sandell - Blake, eliminated during battles
Karina Iglesius - lost to Judith stolen by Shakira, defeated Monique in knockout round 
Holly Tucker - Blake, defeated Michelle
Garrett Gardner - Shakira, defeated J'Sun in battles and Tawnya in knockout round

Danielle Bradbery - Blake, defeated Caroline
Amber Carrington - Adam, defeated Sasha in battles and Midas Whale in knockout round
Savannah Berry - Blake, defeated Jacqui
Josiah Hawley - Usher, defeated Jeff
Audrey Karrasch - Usher, defeated Jamila

Tomorrow will be the green and the blue as Team Usher and Team Blake are up.

The most epic of tonight's battles was probably Sarah Simmons vs. Warren Stone. You can check it out here:

It's amusing because they post all these behind-the-scenes sort of videos so you can get to know the artists.

Here is my favorite for Team Adam

(Dolly Partner, is that weird? Yes it's weird.)

and Team Shakira

(don't worry I can't tell them apart either Tawnya. and Bruno Mars? I can see that.)

and of course my other music rec of the night is:

Dip it Low - Christina Milian

alright, back to Diners, Driveins and Dives.

making me want a hamburger.

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