I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, April 4, 2013

"Did the president call?" "No."

Well it's official, over 50,000 hits in under 3 years.


Didn't think it would get this big.

I should be ecstatic, or creeped out really, but all I am is tired.

Like seriously zonked.

Which is weird cause work was fine, but then I came home and got all stressed so I got all nauseous and just blah.

So what could have been a good day turned into a crapsuck.

But it's fine cause it's over.

The day I mean.

Or it will be in 18 minutes.

Then it will be tomorrow.

I know, this post is complete crap and you're wondering how I got so many views.

The answer is, I have no idea.

Every once in a while I'm clever, but for the most part I'm just random.

Like today.

Today started out great.

Met with the Library Goddess for coffee. She paid. Cause she loves me.

We put together our last newsletter - sad day - and sent that off to be published. Later got an email from her confirming my practicum - so I do get to do it in the fall at the Regional Center. Woohoo!

See, sane people would be more fearful than excited to do a 90 hour practicum there surrounded by legitimate crazy people, but I'm stoked.

So that was coffee.

Afterward I still had time before work so I started reading Silver Linings Playbook - which I bought last week with the Queen of the Known Universe.

The book book that was published in 2008, so long before the movie. Even though the movie is awesome. Which is why I'm reading the book in the first place.

Anyway, basically the book in made up of Pat's narratives on daily life and the road to getting Nikki back. So far it's awesome, I'm loving it.

A bit different from the movie, mostly with the Dad being a lot more anti-social than Robert De Niro was.

Read it before work and then during breaks so on page like 45 I think. Was going to read more tonight but then got distracted by Veep.

Season one from the library.

Love that as well.

It has the chick from My Girl in it, you know that plays Vada? All grown up, I had to look her up, it was driving me nuts trying to figure out what I knew her from.

Favorite quotes so far:
Dan: "She's mediocre really. Of all the 'ocres' she's the mediest."

Selina: "He's not supposed to register emotion. He's supposed to be like a robot geisha."
Amy: "I'll see to it."

Selina: "Did the president call?"
Sue: "No."

That last one takes place in every episode. A lot of unknowns in the cast, aside from Julia Louis-Dreyfus as the lead. She plays the Veep. Most of the show is about someone in her office screwing up, usually she says something that gets misinterpreted or her staff does something stupid, and then it's all about damage control.

But it's hysterical. They're on season two now but I don't have HBO so will probably be waiting for that one to come out on DVD as well. Not sure if you can watch those online, but I will look.

The DVD's are amusing though because all the episodes have commentary which is surprising. What's not surprising is that the one that talks most on the commentary is the dude that plays Jonah. Whom I didn't like originally, but now I do.

I love cast commentaries, though I think She's the Man is my favorite as it also has the whole cast and they're all hysterical. My least favorite being The Sweetest Thing. There's a helium machine in the room and it's just dumb.

Anyway, Veep. I'm liking it. It's highly entertaining. And it's been my distraction tonight. Though I think I should crash soon so I may change it over to X Games or something I've already watched so I'm not tempted to stay up.

Alright, and after all that boringness - sorry - I'll hit you with some music and then crash.

More audition highlights. Working on my top ten, auditions end next week.

Price Tag - Audrey Karrasch

i hate this song. but she's great.
"that is rough."

Safe & Sound - Savannah Berry

"you're soo good."
"you're soo screwed."

"these two guys, three seasons already. they're jaded, they're almost deaf."

"it's a very adoptable age."

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