I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, April 13, 2013

old, but i'm not that old. young, but i'm not that bold.

Aw, Shamy.

I love Big Bang Theory.

And Amy Farrah Fowler.

She makes me laugh.

She's still in the Penny is weird phase. I'm trying to figure out what changes her mind into labeling Penny as her "bestie".

Can't remember, been a while since I've watched. I haven't seen anything from this season at all. Is Wolowitz still up in space?

I should really look into that.

Today was crazy.

9-1 with volunteers at the library. We cleaned all the computers and dusted first floor and half of second.

After which I helped out at the desk, and headed out to G-Town for the camp meeting.

This year's theme is "Back to the Scripture" - a play on Back to the Future.

We do a lot of "play on" themes. There was Fear Can Never Factor In, Mission Possible, Extreme Makeover: God's Edition, Survivor In Christ, and last year's Be Transformed. Plus various others.

Stoked for this year.

Gonna have some fun skits to go with the theme.

Though I'll be sticking with the HeeHaw stuff for the older ones.

Gonna have to dig up some more verses.

So nice doing those in the air conditioning.

Definitely makes a difference, plus this year they're giving us a flat rate so we're saving like 1500 bucks.

Double bonus.

And I got the software for the website so gonna have to brush up on my HTML.

I've been put in charge cause I'm the only one of us who knows HTML.

Should be interesting.

Have a feeling I'm gonna go flailing to Boss's Boss's Boss's Assistant, aka my ex-professor who taught it to me last semester.

Aw man, it's storming again.

Carter is not pleased.

Don't think he's a fan of thunderstorms.

Not that I blame him.

It's been super stormy here in Nebraska.

Granted not as severe as other parts of the US, but like every other day there's some sort of weather warning.

Today was up in the 60's which is probably why it's storming out.

Where was I?

Oh yeah, camp.

So yes, went over notes from last year, updated the application forms, added some promotional stuff on Facebook, am excited to do the website, but a bit nervous.

I'm sure I'll ramble more about that later.

We'll meet up again in May to send out forms.

There was a good number of teen helpers there last year, and we actually divided them up into two groups - well, the ones we didn't stick in cabins - but the rest did games one day and then kitchen the next so that they both got to work in the air conditioning at some point.

And we're sticking with that cause it seemed to go over well.

Gonna be short on lifeguards this year, should be interesting. I'm hoping that Megz can make it at least one day. If not we're gonna be royally screwed.

Trying to brainstorm ideas for time fillers if we can't take them tubing.

They love it but we can't go if the water is too high or too low.

We used to do counselor hunts instead, where basically the counselors would hide and their campers would have to find them.

I remember once our counselors wore camo and hid up in the trees.

Like up up in the trees. Took us forever to find them.

Someone once buried themselves in sand.

That couldn't have been comfortable.

Though my favorite was when a certain someone hid on top of the old cafeteria and then fell through the roof.

Don't look at me like that, it wasn't me.

Still funny though.

The new building is too high to climb on.

Sad day.

One year we had them do extra crafts but that was expensive.

Maybe a scavenger hunt would be good, but then we'd have to come up with one involved enough that it would take up a whole afternoon.

It takes like 4 hours for all the tubing festivities cause we leave at 1 and then usually don't get back until like 4 and cleaned up by 5. And then it's time for the younger kids to eat already.

So there's a lot of time to cover.


Anyway, I love our core group and the Music Mentor was able to make it, along with Scuba Steve, Blackstone and Obi-Wan. We had our usual icecream and joked around a bit.

After the meeting I headed out to the farm to jam with the parentals.

Who then ditched me for supper - joking, I left anyway.

But it's going to be their 48th anniversary so they're celebrating.

Didn't realize it had been that long.

Didn't remember my sister was that old.

Don't tell her that, I'd get smacked.

No, she's not old. Cause that would mean 17 years from now I'll be old and that ain't happening.

Actually I feel old now. Especially today after working with all those college kids. But I had Superwoman there to help me wrangle them.

I'm zonked.

The boyfriend is stuck in Sacramento. The train that's supposed to be there like now is delayed cause it derailed. No idea when they'll get out of there. Bummed for him cause they made big plans for tomorrow in Seattle. Hoping it doesn't take too long.

Alright, gonna watch some more Big Bang and crash at some point soon.

Back to work tomorrow.

Song of the Day:

Counting Stars - OneRepublic

love it.

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