Watch it and tell me you're not intrigued.
I dare you.
Serendipity is my stripper name.
Aw Claudia, how I've missed you and your snarky remarks.
No, seriously you should watch the clip. It's a great show, totally underrated though it is gaining speed.
Got a bunch of library friends hooked.
But how can you resist?
Though now every time I see anything by HG Wells I picture Jaime Murray instead of an old dude with a mustache.
Which makes library life interesting.
Not that it's not already interesting.
Take today, the work branch closed early because of a water leak.
Didn't really matter to me though as I wasn't there anyway.
Today was our annual volunteer recognition banquet.
Got a panic text from Superwoman asking me to go over early and cover for her.
Spent the majority of the time setting up tables, putting out chairs, napkins, programs, silverware, and staring longingly at the food - it's catered like cheesecake and chocolate and fruit and all that. Got a whole plateful and ate it whilst listening to speeches.

Lots of good speeches, the mayor - totally shook his hand - library director - aka Boss's Boss's Boss - and then our library board director.
Who I've talked to once.
Which was today.
Superwoman played emcee.
Joke of the day being her remembering what our volunteer tokens were called.
Sweat-free double-walled tumblers.
Looks like this complete with straw.
And she's allowed to cause she and I picked them out.
They are awesome.
I use my UNO one from the Cool Aunt all the time.
After the recognition I attempted to finish the homework I couldn't last night - see yesterday's post - cause their site was down.
Turns out it's still down.
And I wasn't the only one with issues, Maegan also commented on my post, along with one more and then I got an e-mail from a 4th asking if I'd heard anything.
Which I didn't.
So I just submitted everything with a note at the bottom and screenshot of the website when it was down.
Got an e-mail back from the prof saying she couldn't access it either so just to send it in and she would consult with the other prof.
Hoping we don't get docked for something that's not our fault.
Though the irony is that the question is something like go to Complete Planet and search for something you know a lot about. Are there databases listed that you've never seen before? Is Complete Planet worth checking again in the future.
Um, the answer to that right now, is no.
This assignment was much easier than the last one with all the census crap - yep, remember that one and the professor that hates me?
Though I can't decide if she still hates me or not.
She seems to be pleased with my work as of late.
So that's exciting I guess.
Aside from homework I've started watching Blood Ties.
He has some great moisturizer.
They're Canadian.
But oddly entertaining.
I got the first two seasons from ILL.
2 discs in, we'll see where it goes.
Alright, on to the music and then I'm out.
Song of the night:
Miss You - Rolling Stones
Meeting tomorrow morning for class then a whole day off.
With no homework to work on.
Probably nap and watch more Blood Ties.
Or one of the other movies I have checked out at the moment.
The stack is growing.
And they all look good, but the problem is that the boyfriend and I watch a lot of movies and I think he would want to see some of them. So I'm waiting 'til he gets back.
Which is Monday.
legitimate pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.
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