I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

By the time I'm out the door, you tear me down like Roger Moore

Okay, to whoever got to my blog by searching for "dolly parton whorehouse stockings" I just have to say why?!

Why are you searching for that and why why WHY did that land you here?

So weird.

So the countdown 'til the motorcar trip continues.

Leaving Friday night and getting back Sunday.

Showed pictures of what we're riding in to the guard, she's jealous.

It'll be fun.

I hope.

No, I'm actually pretty excited.

Figuring out what to pack and all that is amusing. He says layers.

Gonna have to brush up on my train jargon.

Never thought I'd say that ever.

Especially after escaping them at the farmhouse.

Dad's obsessed with models, but the boyfriend is obsessed with the real thing.

Which is far more expensive.

But more lifelike so I guess that's okay.

Though one of dad's friends has one that's like a junior train and people ride in it at parades and stuff.

I was the cool kid cause I got to ride in the engine. Actually have a picture of me hanging out the side of it.

Back when I was young and cute.

I know, such a long time ago.

I would post it on here but then my coworkers would see it and then I'd be hosed.

Speaking of coworkers, tomorrow is food day for my Trainee's going away party.

I know, they're all leaving!!

Fearless Leader, Slim Shady now my Trainee. It's like all the people that were hired around the same time as me.

But Superwoman made me pinky promise that I wouldn't leave because of a boy.

Guess I'l be commuting.

Gonna have to remember to bring something this time, though I have no idea what.

Nutty bars or something of the like perhaps.

Oh, I have grapes.

That's healthy. Let's go with that.

So that's work tomorrow.

Well that and training a volunteer to shelve in Youth Services.

Work today was good. Super slow in the morning then a mad rush from like 2-5. Most of it being 3-4 which is when the New Girl and I were on the desk. It seems we are often paired together at that time and it's busy cause school gets out and then everyone has to stop at the library on the way home.

Gives me confidence that they think we can handle it on a regular basis.

Or maybe it was just a scheduling fluke.

Probably just a scheduling fluke.

What else? Oh, sent out an email about library golf asking for putters. If you have some or golf balls or anything that you think would make a good obstacle send it my way and I'll get it back to you soon after.

After work I went back to watching Blood Ties. Still on disc two but got distracted along the way.

So gonna get back to that. Or switch to DDD, see yesterday's post. See what I meant about getting distracted.

Carter's giving me the glare.

You know that "i can't sleep until you sleep so shutup and sleep."

Alright, I'm on it.

You know I'm no Good - Amy Winehouse

i know, i've posted this already.

but it's been a while.

and it's been stuck in my head all week. which i blame on Jess Kellner.

but it's one of those that i sing around the library.

well that, and this

whilst shutting things down at the end of the day or doing supply orders/summer reading stuff in the basement.

like how i used to sing george strait while shelving.

and then people notice.

and smile.

so i keep singing.


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