I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, July 23, 2012

"Cook with shoes on."

And we're done!!

Food Drive barrels are delivered to the branches to be picked up tomorrow morning, loose change milkjugs are counted, thank you's are sent out, and winners are determined.

Big day.

Proud to say the work branch dominated and won for most creative sculpture. The New Girl and Fearless Leader built a Very Hungry Caterpillar that represented the library and the food bank so the judges liked it.

We actually tied twice, once for the most donated - exact same amount as a different branch - and then again for most creative. We had to flip a coin - well, our fabulous Administrative Aide flipped the coin. I enjoy the third floorians, they are highly amusing and save me on multiple occasions per week.

They find it funny that I was coordinator for the Food Drive but I can't cook.

I told them my burned grilled cheese/slashed foot open story and their response was to "cook with shoes on."

If you haven't heard it go here: My Life in Closed Captions: Sketch and Edit Make Grilled Cheese

So, she flipped the coin, then I went in to talk to Boss's Boss's Boss as she is supplying the prizes.

She debated about what they should be, I said snackage was popular, but City/County is on this wellness kick so she thought baked goods would be bad for you.

I'll keep it a secret for now, though they'll figure it out on Thursday.

Since she's on a wellness kick, instead of the usual dishes of candy on her desk now she has bracelets and paperclips.

I got a Z bracelet.

It's pretty nifty.

I'm sure all my camp kids will be jealous.

So yes, I'm done. Made the winner announcements through email, got the smart people to upload all the pictures to the library's Facebook page, thanked the judges repeatedly, and gave a heads-up to the main people that the barrels are ready to be picked up.

Apparently we did pretty well cause we got the supervisors approval.

They were impressed with our sculpture idea and that it actually worked.

The branches got pretty into it so that was good. I was worried they'd think it was lame, but we had a caterpillar, a man walking a dog and cat, a hot air balloon, a robot, a castle... they were pretty impressive.

So, after all that and the joy that is the library came writing skits.

I'm almost done, basically just have 3 left. And they're all for small groups, which is interesting, cause it's usually bigger groups that I have trouble writing/finding for.

Sketch knows me far too well.

"I hate skits."
"You don't hate them, you love them, you hate trying to write them."

But I'm bringing back some of the classics, tankety-tank-tank, heehaw, enlarging machine, so that took care of a few of them.

Tomorrow I'm heading out to see the boyfriend, Wednesday I'm taking the cat to the farmhouse, and Thursday I'm headed to camp so I'm gonna be working on the rest of them over lunch breaks. I have some ideas just nothing finalized. It won't take too long.

And if all else fails I'll wait 'til Thursday night - like usual - and get ideas from the counselors who show up early.

Camp doesn't start until Friday with a mandatory counselor meeting in the morning before registration, but a bunch of us go out there early to get stuff set up.

I'm sure you'll get a giant entry when I get back, similar to last year's: My Life in Closed Captions: Camp J 2011 Highlights

And a list of skits the next day.

Alright, out for the night.

Song of the day:

"Brain Stew/Jaded" Green Day

on my own, here we go.


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