I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Where do you think you're going, baby?

Sometimes I forget that people I know read this thing.

Don't worry, it won't happen again.

Today was great.

Literally great.

Had a lot of fun, especially with the awesome females in the building. Not that my male coworkers weren't fun, there was just a lot of random female bonding throughout the day.

Mostly about frustration.

Um, see I'm in charge of supplies and BossLady had me order some of those drawer organizer things with the compartments. And they came in and we have three of them. So we went to install the first one and realized that it was too big to fit in the drawer.

Even though we measured before we ordered them. I guess the edges were too thick.

I wanted to go grab the mallet that's in the cabinet and just make them fit but she refused.


Instead she found a way to get rid of the back side of the drawer so it would fit.

Unfortunately, in order to take that side off we'd need a philip's head screwdriver which according to the Little Shelver Boy didn't exist in the building as he had looked previously.

But we were on a mission, and I had to find one - mostly because he told me we wouldn't - so we searched the headquarters of Buildings and Grounds. When we had a Buildings and Grounds crew. Which now we don't so it's like the former headquarters. And it's like a tool junkies dream. Except it's a pit so BossLady and I are thinking about cleaning it out.

Cause that would be fun.

Yes, we're weird like that.

Anyway, so we searched the place high and low - literally - and it's seriously a tool shop. It's storage for shelves and pretty much everything electric, but there was a not a single phillip's head screwdriver in the entire room.


So, as I wouldn't admit defeat, I ran - well road - upstairs to the fantastic people on the third floor and asked if they had any.

And they did!

Saved me.

They do that a lot.

I go up there probably twice daily flailing mostly about supplies, but a lot of Summer Reading stuff as well.

Anyway, so I grabbed a couple, brought them down, BossLady took off the back part and it still wouldn't fit cause there were like brackets. And you can't take off the brackets cause you need them to hold the metal things.

Then, as fate would have it, at that exact moment one of my flailees - aka the magician - walks by, and she knew about the organizers cause she's my supply supervisor who I order everything through and she's like "you pull and i'll push" and they barely got it to fit, then smashed it in and claimed victory.

I was sad I couldn't use the mallet but hey, it works.

And now we get to do two more tomorrow morning.

Cause just the one took an hour.

Also tomorrow my fate is decided, sort of, as they're going over my evaluation with me.

So I probably shouldn't talk about it now.

Though it wasn't bad, but still should probably wait on that.

After that whole escapade came the awesomeness that is Fearless Leader and me figuring out damages stuff.
Cause there's a process and we're changing things. I'll get to that more later.

Anyway, she's leaving so she's passing off all her smarts to me. Tricks of the trade. I will seriously miss that woman, she's great. And we're all crying inside, even the ones upstairs who don't work with her on a regular basis.

But we're making booze cakes again before she leaves so we're sending her out in style.

After work it was more camp stuff. 4 phone calls in 2 hours, plus a bunch of emails and crap! I still gotta upload that graphic, woops. Do that when I post this.

I'm trying to assemble some skits, I kind of have working numbers now since camp is like, holy crap soon, anyway I always put them off until last minute and I have enough crap to deal with once I'm there so I need to get at least half done by the end of the week.

People are requesting the repeat of Tankety-Tank-Tank since apparently enough years have passed and what's funny is that the 5th graders that did it previously are teen helper age now. And since I have one of them in a cabin with 5th graders and it's the kid that played Zammerman I was thinking about having their cabin do it and he can show him how it's done.

7th and 8th graders will sing HeeHaw so as soon as I get the verses down that just leaves me with 7 skits to write and I can come up with those.

I hope.

At the moment I'm a bit blocked, but it's a work in progress.

Anyway, I should crash as it is almost midnight and I need to be semi-conscious tomorrow as it's sort of a big day with the BossLady and Superwoman.

Alright, watch this.

I'm serious.

Watch this.

I found it at noon and it had 2,000 some hits, right now it's at like 3 million.

Someone took clips from all the Star Wars movies and clipped them so it sings "Call Me Maybe" by what's her name. Carly Rae Jepsen. yeah.

It's freakin' awesome.

They showed it to George Lucas and he loved it. 

i'm sorry, but i just laugh everytime Obi-Wan says "maybe"

tone of voice.

won't be able to watch it the same way again.

love the random creature shots when they couldn't find matching lyrics.

"it's a trap!"

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