I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Swollen limbs, Rookie movie, Musical Wine Nerds and Blue stuff, plus a slutty manikin

So my arm is swollen.

No idea why.

Guessing it's some sort of bug bite.

As in actual bug, not like virus bug.

Same thing happened at teen camp this past year, woke up with a swollen ankle, but with some ice and Benadryl it went away. Hoping same plan will work.

It was actually amusing cause I work with a bunch of mothers and they all had different advice. Though the common theme was go to the doctor.

Which I will.

If this doesn't work.

Not the first time my arm was all messed up and I'm sure not the last. I'm clumsy like that. Though last time I had to figure out how to staple artwork above my head while my arm was a numb. Basically stuck the artwork between that and the wall and attempted to lean it against the wall and staple with the other. Didn't work out so hot.

Whoa, Courage the Cowardly Dog. Flashbacks. That and Ah, Real Monsters. Rocko's Modern Life... sorry, ran across them. Ah memories.

Just watched "The Rookie" my favorite Dennis Quaid movie. Well, that and the Parent Trap. "Nothing, not a thing, Cruella..." Everyone should have a Dennis Quaid movie. You have plenty to choose from, GI Joe, Footloose, What to Expect When You're Expecting, Day After Tomorrow...

I'll give it a 7/10 on the Scale of Awesome. Kind of a slow start, I remember it being much better. Like The Big Green, apparently I was a sports movie enthusiast.

I love Angus, "I'm not doing it."

Still pretty good though, emotion-wise and all that. Based on a true story.

So, said I was gonna do this yesterday and I feel asleep anyway. Which is what I'll do soon so I'll post them now.

"Red, Red Wine"

"White and Nerdy" Weird Al

"Blue" Eiffel 65

courtesy of the red, white and blue.

Yes, I know this post was lame, but the only other stuff going on was stocking up on Benadryl and buying some groceries, working 8 hours...that's all I got. I'm sure there's something I'm missing so more tomorrow.

Oh right, I've got a lot of curiosity feedback about the slutty manikins. Here's a picture and you can decide how you would rate them on the slutty scale.

"They wore them on HeeHaw!"

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