I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, July 9, 2012

Take that, Daddybo!

Today just flew by, seriously. Looked up at the clock and went, crap, it's 5:50 I gotta count the money!

Fairly busy for a Monday.

Not too fast or too slow so made for a good day to make progress on other projects as well aka Summer Reading and Food Drive stuff.

Hoping my LPD officer is still up for the presentation on Wednesday. If she can't make it I'm screwed.

After that was dinner with some extended family and a trip to the cousin's house. They have a pool so the kiddos were all over it.

Quote of the day:
Me: "I especially liked the part where you drove in the wrong lane."
Mom: "Which time?"

I wait for her text in the morning, "don't put that in the blog!"

Granted it was in a new area of town, but when double yellow line is on your right instead of on your left something is definitely wrong.

We hit up Ruby Tuesdays, ordered an entree and the salad bar and after the salad I think I had like three bites of the entree. Mega leftovers, will probably pull them out around 2AM. If I'm not konked out by then. I gotta start going to bed earlier, I'm exhausted by the end of the day and all I want to do is sleep. Then when I get home I have 80 other projects to work on plus a boyfriend who I actually like to see so there's no time for naps. Sad day.

He starts third shift tonight. Hope he got some sleep this afternoon, otherwise tonight's gonna suck.

Alright, off to bed for me. Gonna turn on some GCB and crash. Loving the first season on DVD, finally got all the way through it and then of course they cancel the series.

Which is what ABC does when it gets a show with multiple female leads.

Just saying.

Don't get me started on the whole Women's Murder Club thing again or I will never stop.

I'm still crazy obsessed with that show and it ended like 4 years ago.

Song of the night:

"Good Girls Gone Bad" The JaneDear Girls
i love this one, seriously love this one. like pistol annies meets the wreckers.

or if you'd rather:

makes me laugh.

"Pastor Tudor, nobody understands Revelations. Never have, never will. And anyway, by the time it comes around we'll all be dead!"


  1. Hey, you. Haven't seen you in a while. Do you have GCB on DVD? I finally got hooked on the show and they cancel it. Guess, I liked it because I knew women like that from church. Oh, well. Got to see the Closer last night and am beginning to wonder if Brenda will ever get Stroh. Only 5 more episodes-Yikes! Now that's a show I will miss big time. Haven't really gotten into anything new. Watched Perception last night and it was OK. Not sure it's one I'll continue. Anyway, send me a TV alert if you come across anything good. BTW, love the quote about drving in the other lane.

    1. from all the interviews it sounds like the show goes out with some sort of tragic fiasco, i'm wondering if it'll end with a shootout between her and stroh. still curious about the spinoff.
