I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, July 20, 2012

here with you, here with me.

Damnit, Hardison!

Finally caught up on Leverage. Finished the fourth season whilst working on camp stuff.

That's called multi-tasking.

Now I'm on to Wipeout so I can sleep.

Gotta say, I miss Jill but really don't mind this Lachey chick so much. Though I did totally miss that he got remarried.

Not that I was big into 98 degrees. More about the Spice Girls and NSync.

Today seemed to fly by, that's probably cause I got to sleep in and didn't go in until noon. Woohoo!

Was a quiet day, not sure if it was caused by the Batman movie tragedy or the weather. Either totally suck.

I haven't checked on it for a while, did he explain why he did it?

Other than the fact that he's the Joker?

The role only belongs to one man and he's already dead.

Stuff like that is awful. I just don't understand it.

My cat keeps biting me.

I know that that problem is small potatoes compared to what else is going on in the world but it's still obnoxious.

The water bottle did work for a while but now he's not phased.

It's annoying.

Excited for the shortened day tomorrow, mostly cause I get to take pictures of the Food Drive sculptures. Cause I'm nerdy like that. Will probably upload some if possible.

After that it'll be more camp stuff.

I know this post is total crap, I'm sure I'll have plenty of quotes tomorrow.

I'm on it.

Just for you.

Here, have some more useless information:

-X's on letters originated as crosses back in the 1000's. When lords would sign their names they would kiss the cross after signing to signify they were faithful to god and their king. Over time it slanted to x's.

-Each deck of cards represents a major pillar or economy in the Middle Ages: Heart is church, Spades is military, Clubs agriculture and Diamonds merchants.

-Most of American car horns honk in the key of F.

-Most toilets flush in E flat.

-It is estimated that millions of trees are accidentally planted by squirrels who bury acorns and forget where they buried them.

-There are three other versions under the current Mona Lisa.

-There is such thing as coffee-flavored PEZ.

-Honey is the only food that won't spoil.

-According to US laws a beer commercial can never show a person actually drinking a beer.

I'm doubtful about that last one, but come to think of it I don't remember anyone drinking one during a 30 second segment.

Will have to look into that.

And here's some fun quotes from Rocket Power just cause I can

-"that should be on the to-don't list."
-"you're like a sixth finger. it just gets in the way and it's kinda freakish."
-"i pulled a bobby brady, dude!"

could have sworn this one was titled "these are the moments" but maybe that's just cause it was our prom theme.

or cause she repeats it a lot.

yes, prom theme.

the one the boyfriend took me to senior year.

drove the tbird as it's his favorite.

i like the vette, but me and my then boyfriend drove it the year before so had to switch it up.

he lived in fear of my mother driving his car back to his house.

he's kind of a car nut.

but that's okay, i like my boys geeky.

Speaking of geeks I should crash while I can. Big day tomorrow.

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