I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hey little thing let me light your candle

'Cause mama I'm sure hard to handle, now,
Gets around

Early morning tomorrow means shorter post tonight.

Today was good. Better than all the drama yesterday.

And it flew by, mostly because three people called in sick and another left early so we were flailing all over the place.

After that I went out with the sisters where I was bombarded with awkward conversation after awkward conversation. Which I swear they do just to mess with me.

Yes well have your fun, but don't forget I have dirt on you as well.

So remember that to-do-list from yesterday?

Guess how much of it I got done today!


Guess how much I need to get done tomorrow?

At least the homework part. I gotta add to the group wiki thing. At least.

After that I'll do the reading and the posting and the interviewing and the camp scanning thing and the editing and the...what else was on that list? It was massive, I'm trying not to remember so I can sleep properly.

Speaking of,

Song you knew but forget you knew it:

"Hard To Handle" The Black Crowes live on Letterman

excellent hair band there

and as excellent as their rendition is you gotta include the classic as well

Otis Redding

I really need to sleep. Early morning tomorrow means meeting with Boss's Boss's Boss and listening to presentation on new library or vision of a new library so must stay awake. Stopping for coffee and muffin en route.


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