I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dark Lady laughed and danced and lit the candles one by one.

For some reason today was exhausting.

Which is weird, because nothing that big happened.

There was a staff meeting in the morning - we're integrating the oversized nonfiction in with the regular sized nonfiction - something that all the other libraries have already done or didn't divide up in the first place.

Basically, they wouldn't fit on the normal shelves, so they were shelved seperately. But, since it was obnoxious to look in two places for the same subject, we're adjusting the shelves and putting them together.

Should be interesting, but the main part of that is: are they all going to fit in the one room? and if not what are we moving out of the room, etc. Glad I'm not part of that whole process. Granted they asked for our opinions this morning, but still, totally glad I'm public service and not at supervisory level. That doesn't sound like a fun thing to figure out.

What is funny though is that when I went in to interview initially for an aide position - this was back in May of 2010 - they were already talking about the integration, here it is 2012 and they're just getting around to the measuring.

But it takes planning. And technically everything got pushed back when we changed operating systems.

Now I'm just wondering, if they're planning to build a new library...what year is that gonna be done?

But I love my job. And I'll leave that to the pros and stick to the desks. Today I was actually at the desks all day, which is new. Lately either they're tired of me or they don't think I'm getting enough done while off-desk cause I'm rarely scheduled for public service. That's my theory anyway.

I miss the desk.

So today was good.

Even though currently I feel like the walking dead and all I want to do is sleep.

Which is why this is going to stay short.

I got some more homework done, I've officially read everything I need to read. Now I just have to write the paper, post it online, e-mail the prof with some questions, e-mail the people that weren't at the interview, and send out the thank-you's to the ones that were.

But like I said, walking dead and fading fast.

After that I gotta edit the stories and format the camp music, then next week I'll focus more on the interview paper and whatever else homework assignment is due. There are a lot in February.

Since I have Saturday off and my only real plan is lunch with the Cool Aunt I might be doing a lot of that stuff on Saturday night.

Today? What happened today? I'm thinking. Something really funny happened, I remember laughing at something. I don't remember what it was.

Oh, yes I do. I was talking with my Trainee about the computer lab - there are like these privacy protection covers over the screen so that you can't see what the person next to you is viewing. I call them dashboards, even though they're not really a dashboard. But then again, what is the definition of a dashboard really? Right now being half asleep that sounds like the weirdest term in the world. Anyway, she laughed, so I was like what do you call them? And we came up with a whole list of what they could be called.

And then, similar to right now, I couldn't think of a term I wanted to use and was like "what's the name of that big blue thing that blocks off the restroom?" and she replied "a gift from god?" I was actually going for partition or divider - as something like that is normally used as - but gift from god works too.

It did turn out to be one today, as I was walking by the restrooms on my way to lunch.

Me: "You know what's really disturbing?"
Slim Shady: "What's that?"
Me: "Seeing a guy walking out of the restroom and still buttoning his fly."

So it was a gift from god, cause I could have seen even more of that if it weren't for the partition.

"Dark Lady" Cher

hmm...outfit inspiration for gaga?

i have no explanation for choosing this song tonight...other than because it sounded like fun.

Okay, falling asleep, I'm out for the night. I'll figure out the rest of the homework stuff tomorrow. Too tired to be logistical or rational or is logistical actually a word? Cause that looks weird.

"Words taste like peaches."

And we're back to Chuck, I'll turn that on and crash.


1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed your comments today. While I loved interacting with the public, I also found it exhausting. I miss alot of my good South customers. And gee, it's nice to know that guys still do the buttoning trick-guess it takes too much time to wash your hands. Kinda makes you want to wear gloves doesn't it?

    I can't believe they're just now getting around to integrating the non-fiction. They talked about that when I was there. I think it's a good idea and less confusing for customers. Hope you don't run out of room!
