I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, February 6, 2012

They say she just went crazy, screaming out his name

Let's start off with the interview this morning.

The class assignment is to interview a technical services professional about their cataloging process from start to finish.

A as in 1.

So imagine my surprise when I show up this morning and am led directly to the conference room.

Holy toast.

And the funny thing is that two more people who were going to be there couldn't make it this morning.

So there were supposed to be more.

But it was fantastic! The multiple perspectives were really helpful, cause each person had their own specialty and responsibilities. And I actually got a lot of my questions answered so that was great.

Totally nervous asking actual professionals - as in more than one at once - and me being all para-professional, student and lowly...a little intimidating.

But they were great, and didn't make me feel like a complete idiot.

I think I actually surprised my prof cause I had a bunch of questions about circulation that she didn't have answers to. So she took me to one of the experts, I met a lot of people today, haha. That one and I bonded over weird reference questions. I've had my share.

But I'm actually genuinely interested in their operation because they're freaking right down the street from us!

I mean, I knew they existed, cause they're kind of a big deal, but I did not know that they existed within a 3 block radius of us until this morning.


Totally had to call Superwoman this morning, freaking out cause I had no idea where I was going and didn't want to be late. Walked right passed it. I freakin' Mapquested it and everything.

And I used to park in that parking garage all the time! Freakin' walked passed that building all the time!!

It's giant.

But it's an archive.

So it's supposed to be giant.

Anyway, it was good having more people there because then there was more information and explanation, I really appreciated that. I got passed the intimidation fairly quickly - it wasn't like I was completely unprepared. I had all my questions laid out.

I think I took like three pages worth of notes.

Which is good.

Cause it's like a three page paper.

I just have to put them in order and format it and all that. It'll be gold.

Also stopped by my carpool buddy's office, knew she'd give me crap if I was there and didn't even say hi. She has her own fancy shmancy office and everything, jealous man.

After that I came home and attempted to take a nap.

But I was too wired so I started Downton Abbey instead.

It's highly amusing, I enjoy Maggie Smith very much. She is everything that I thought she would be.

The went into work for two hours and got started on my newest booklist - The Hunger Games read-a-likes, I'm thinking Survivor-ish fiction, Suzanne Collins got her inspiration from flipping channels between Survivor and the war coverage.

I've found a few already, Ship Breaker is one of them, go here: My Life in Closed Captions: don't it always seem to go that you don't know wha... but that's just the start.

Squirt came in today for her volunteer stuff, so I dropped her off after picking up some Subway for us for supper. We jammed at the house and watched Star Trek (movie) - does watching that make anyone else want to start the original series? - and Castle. Duuuude...fantastic episode. Did not see that coming. Love how they mixed in the cast with the 1947 storyline. Super cool.

And that was today.

"Beaches of Cheyenne" Garth Brooks

cheesy slideshow.
someone please tell me why this was stuck in my head all day. out of nowhere.

"Zip-Lock" Lit

and keep it in my pocket, keep it in my pocket...replacements soundtrack, gonna rock.

Now I'm off to crash, full day tomorrow. And after the full day I'm gonna e-mail the people that weren't at the interview this morning and ask some questions about cataloging the general collection, start the paper, then get back to my editing for my friend, woohoo!

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