I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

And I'm not leaving 'til you're leaving

Have you ever noticed that the second you go from "single" to "taken" is when all the decent guys start coming out of hiding?

Like, when you're single, every freakin' creeper is hitting on you, yet the second you're taken and not looking for a sane one, that's when they all appear?

Not that I'm interested in anyone else, I'm happy being taken as I am very taken with them.

I just find it ironic.

But maybe it's just a quirk of the library. You know how many creepers roam those aisles?

So I've made some more progress on that to-do-list.

Finished the MARC records, interviewed professionals for my paper, scanned all my camp music.

As the list is massive, I'm just going to focus on this week.

-Read the rest of the articles, write up the notes for the assignment and post it

-E-mail the contacts that weren't at the interview and ask about the general collection, send thank you's to the rest

-Format the scanned camp music, it's a mess, but they're uploaded

-Go over my friend's stories that I got like a month ago, cause apparently being busy all the time makes me a really crappy editor.

And I wanna get all of that done before the weekend, possible plans for Friday night, plus I'm going out with the Cool Aunt on Saturday, have class on Sunday, and next week is Valentine's Day - which thank god he feels the same way I do about the hallmark holiday, we'll pass - plus my birthday.


No major plans for that, but I should probably figure something out soon. Would be cool to do something with old high school friends who are now in town. Or maybe go out with the family.

I will have hopefully seen Star Wars in 3D by then, I'm a nerd, get used to it and yes he's as into Star Wars as my family is, so we're good there.

Alright, there were many quotes of the day, though none of them beats this one:

Coworker: "So I picked up the poop..."
Me: "You know, if I didn't know what you were talking about that would have made for a really awkward conversation starer."

"When I Get You Alone" Robin Thicke

the original.

And I'm out for the night.

good god...piranhas...

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