I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, February 10, 2012

The First Aid Crusade

It's FRIDAY!! I feel like jumping up and down and singing Katy Perry.

Actually I really don't, but I mean I could.

You know, I could.

But I won't.

Cause it would freak out my cat.

But maybe I should, just to see if it would freak out my cat.

But no, I'll pass. My headache finally went away and I don't wanna get it back.

"Quelling a rebellion with a fork."

That's nice.

So I'm hooked back on Chuck.

Just in time since I have like four other series checked out. I always get distracted by one of my own in this situation, then they stockpile and I return half of them cause I'm like, "why was i interested in that in the first place?"

But now that Chuck is over I can finally catch up. Don't tell me what happens, I'm a season behind! Same with Leverage.

Anyway, the day flew by pretty quickly, as they all have lately. I hope it stays that way. Like that I keep enjoying my job. I don't want to get all the way through the program and then get bored with it.

Not that I will. Cause there's something new every day.

Did some fun supplies stuff today. Basically, once a year I go through all the first-aid kits, yes all of them, there are many many multiples - like one every 30 feet, and make sure they have everything on the list and it's not expired.

I'm calling it my First Aid Crusade. Got four down and probably that many more to go, but I'm having all these flashbacks from First Aid class in college and thinking I should get re-certified cause pretty sure that's going to expire soon.

That class was cool. Jammed in the back with Melanie, made sarcastic comments on all the retro videos and people faking injuries. Things taped to body parts so it looks like they're impaled.

"Is the scene safe?"

What are you supposed to do if the answer is no? Just stare at the guy who has a branch sticking out of his leg?

"Oh, it was a horrible skiing accident. I really should have watched out for trees."

You're a brilliant one there George. (Please tell me you get that.)


"I think you're dehydrated. Maybe you should sit down."

Dude, he's sweating compulsively, his face is red and he can't breathe, of course he shouldn't be standing!

Back to the Crusade.

The reference workroom had a serious amount of rubbing alcohol, which I thought was funny. It's like a stockpile or something. And like 3 handfulls of antibiotic cream, which none of the other kits had. Then 5 eye patches but no eye wash. I had to share the wealth a bit.

So that was supplies, I also cleaned all the computer monitors on the first floor, that was gross and made me want to sanitize everything. I'm scared to do the keyboards, that will be grosser.

It was one of those random jump from task to task days, cause aside from all that I was still compiling ideas for my booklist and working at all the desks.

Aaannd after work I got all my homework stuff done!!

Woohoo! Finished the paper, posted it, added more to the MARC stuff, e-mailed the prof, sent my thank you letter's and an e-mail to the one that wasn't there, attempted to figure out my summer class schedule, but as it isn't up yet I asked the Library Goddess instead. She knows everything library anyway, that's why I call her the Library Goddess.

Now I can sleep properly. And get stoked for margaritas and fajitas with the Cool Aunt tomorrow.

Which is good, I need a changeup. I've been eating a lot of fruit lately as it is overflowing in my fridge. Like literally, you can open the door and on the left is liquor cause I rarely drink it so it builds up, and on the right is fruit. I got pears, apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, more apples, clementines. It's a stockpile.

Everything today is a stockpile, apparently. I think I just enjoy using that word.




Word of the day.

But Mexican sounds good, especially the jalapeno margaritas.

With all my rambling and noun-age you're probably thinking that I'm drinking one right now so I'll move on.

Is noun-age a word?

I'm making it one.

Song for the day:

"Have It All" Jeremy Kay

yes, i've posted this before but that was back in november. and i love it. so just go with it.

cause it's worth listening to.

Sleeping in tomorrow, woohoo! Off for the weekend. Lunch with the Cool Aunt and Madre, then more sleep or Downton Abbey maybe. But most likely Chuck. Yeah Chuck.

"Sometimes the nerd gets the girl." awwww, so true Chuck.



  1. 3 bottles of alcohol? Seriously? Maybe they're drinking it on the sly.

    Gross out story about the lab at BMPL. I went in to do some sanitizing and found a big glob of ear wax on one of the headphones. When I told Rod this story he nearly barfed.

    Hey fruit is good! Can't live without it but I would suggest you might want to add some veggies to that hoard.

    1. I know! I loved that, theirs was stocked with rubbing alcohol and antibiotic ointment. Like stockpile of each. I had to share the wealth.

      Gross factor, this is why I wear my own headphones. I'm not brave enough to clean the lab, I just did the first floor monitors. Next up is the keyboards. Maybe I'll pass that one on to a volunteer.
