I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

You're online with the feline of Avenue B

Okay so we weren't as dominating as planned but we finished it off. I'll take the win. Pathetic as it was, it had its highlights.

"Hey you, what's new at the Stew-Zoo?" more charlie's Angels. Bosley is feeling euphonic. It's one of those shows that once you start you can't stop. You know, like pringles? Although I'm sure none of the women on this show even know what those are, good god. They all weigh like 80 pounds.

No! No! No! Don't go into the dark parking garage alone! You're toast! No! I liked you. Scream! Run! Something! Wait, he karate chopped you once and now you're dead? The black rose is a nice touch.

So today flew by pretty quickly, granted it was only 12-6. Tomorrow is 11:30-6 plus our opening softball game. Huzzah! We're gonna win them all this year. We're on a mission. 5 years and we've beaten everyone but one team. Every year they freaking beat us, it's obnoxious. Last year we would have had a second chance at them since the season got expanded but they dropped out. Apparently they had better things to do. We said they were scared of losing. They're probably both true.
But our team is awesome. It's basically the same crew every year, though we've learned we play better when we're scrappy and short-handed. Mom was mad last year, one game we were short and made her play right field. I remember her chasing down a fly ball "YOU said they never hit it out here!!!" I lied. Sorry Mom.

But tomorrow we're gonna dominate! Not like the Huskers did today, actually dominate! Hopefully I won't have to break my leg back open. That was disgusting. I'd upload pics but I don't want to make you sick. Gravel + Skin = Ouch man. Pure ouch.

C'mon Kelly, bust down the door, you've gotta land the plane! Oh yeah, let the karate expert kick it down. In heels. She's much more believable. Mom used to make fun of me watching this show. Something about the cheesy fight scenes. I find them amusing. I wonder how she's doing with Chuck. I did leave her the first season. Perhaps I will steal it back if she's finished. If not I still have the last part of season three to get through.

Although it was only a half day I feel like I actually made progress. I finally got all the way through a story I've been editing...for like months that I'd never gotten to. My apartment is semi-clean. My cat is sleeping next to me on the couch.
All-in-all it was a good day.

"You move it Turkey, we were here first!" I love that they refer to Kelly as the street-talking angel. Kelly Garrett. aka Jaclyn Smith. It's like what the Queen of the Known Universe was talking about today - remember the grandma on Airplane? "I speak jive."

Song of the night - go with another classic.

"Seasons of Love" Rent

wish I could hit that note. i'm out of practice so i'm going to spare my neighbors. she rocks it.
favorite movie of all time. gotta love musicals.

love this video
Rent - Out Tonight
favorite song of all time. actually most played on my laptop. over 400 times. but i've had the thing for about 7 years now.


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