I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

"We're angels, not saints."

Well, that was interesting.

Classic Charlie's Angels with the cheesy dialogue, models everywhere and big action sequences. Although I'm happy that I didn't have to grab the remote and turn the volume down everytime the music came on like in the original series. And Bosley?! What the crap? He's got mad fighting skills now! And they're very tech-friendly. Which is cool but not so believable. Charlie shows his wealth, but they're in Miami and it's present day so that makes sense. It's just a massive change over.

And I could live with all of that. But the voice of Charlie totally killed it for me. It's like, he sounds almost like a computer. Or a really old and weak man. Which is anti-Charlie. Cause Charlie is supposed to be a ladies man constantly surrounded by women. And this dude....just no. I don't like it. And John Forsythe is dead. And originally it was supposed to be Robert Wagner. But it's clearly not. Perhaps he will man up in the future.

But I'll stick with it. Cause Drew's producing - Drew Covergirl Commercials for pilot = 4 - and it's Charlie's Angels and it's Flower Films and it's ABC. Even though that last one means that it's done. ABC doesn't give their new series a chance. Especially if they have a female lead, let alone more than one. It's toast. But I like it and I'll watch it anyway. I was impressed by that Grey's chick as the lead. And the new chick should be interesting. The preview for next week seems dramatic and cheesy and exciting, very Angels style with big explosions and tackling people. I'll keep you posted.

Today was interesting. Staff meeting in the morning, switched out my Sept. 11th display of one about Books to Movies/TV. I TOTALLY PUT 1ST TO DIE ON THE DISPLAY! YEAH WMC! It will live forever! Bring it!
That and Reichs books, Harry Potter, Mary Shelley, Dracula, ummm....Runaway Jury....ummmm I don't know there were a lot. But it' awesome and I'm proud.
After that it was more fun as an Aide where we shifted - massively - the bottom row up. Cause I'm both crazy and stupid and apparently enjoy books falling on my head. Luckily I live my life surrounded by children so I've learned to censor myself and the vulgarity was kept to a minimum.
But no one can see anything on the bottom row so I moved it up. And now it's all pretty and in order. Not that it will be by tomorrow, but it was worth the afternoon.

Tomorrow is gonna be a long day so I'm totally out....after singing YEAH TOAST all day I'm in need of a change of tune.

Throwback Thursday says....

"Jailhouse Rock" Elvis Presley

love the fake instruments. that's fantatic.


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