I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Today was a total OMG Day. Seriously. It was like exclamation point after exclamation point. All day. My heart has finally slowed down back to normal where I can sleep, but duuuude. I was on edge.

FIRST! only had 2 hours to shelve this morning so I couldn't get all the way done, complete madhouse, barely got any of the delivery checked in before I had to rush across town, grab lunch, eat that, and drop something on Superwoman's desk when I ran into number
TWO! Oh my god. There was a freaking bird on her chair! Like a crow! On the back of the chair! And I almost screamed out loud! I literally froze and Girlscout and InfoMan just sat that and laughed at me. Of course it wasn't a real bird, but when you walk into an office that you walk into on a regular basis you're not expecting to see a freaking giant bird attached to a chair meant to scare the crap out of anyone who enters the room when there's not usually a freaking giant bird attached to a chair meant to scare the crap out of anyone who enters the room! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Freaking bird scared the crap out of me! I froze! Like literally froze! And edged my way into the room. Slowly. Dropped the calendar on her chair, and inched out of the room. Afraid it was going to come alive and eat me! Oh my god! Seriously! And they just laughed! And I freaked! I'm still freaked! that that bird's gonna like end up in my locker or something! I will scream bloody murder! And buy a freaking padlock!
just reminds me of old family pranks, tying pulling fireworks to car gear shifts and listening to people scream when they pop.
THREE! Didn't see Wordie today, which is like a record cause I see him every day I'm there! totally weirded me out. I did, however, get to see AND WORK WITH Slim Shady, which never happens. So there were shouts of joy.
FOUR! Came home to watch CRIMINAL MIND's SEASON PREMIERE! and it was FANTASTIC! on the edge of your seat awesomeness! And I'm stoked to talk about it tomorrow with the Queen of the Known Universe. cause she was stoked too. Duuuuude. I didn't watch a single episode from last season. Even though I now own it. And will probably not watch them. Even though I own it. And know pretty much everything that happened. Because it was the year they killed the cast to launch a spinoff that epically failed. Why would they launch that if they knew it was going to epically fail? I'm not a TV genius and I knew that it would epically fail! The original cast is just that good. and now they're all back so it's cool. But duuuuude. Okay, I can't give away spoilers. Although, I will say...I wasn't wrong. Read if you dare. My Life in Closed Captions: *Spoiler Alert*

It's amusing, cause I used that yesterday too. But I missed NCIS so I'll have to watch that one online. and Glee's. And Bones doesn't come back until November. and The Closer is gone until like January. But I also am a few episodes behind on that one. Which is unusual as that is one of my favorites. Well, these are all my favorites...that are still running. Plus Greys. Plus Chuck. Plus Big Bang Theory. AND WAREHOUSE! which I have another spoiler but I won't say it. Not that it matters cause you don't watch it anyway. But still...eh, nevermind. I'm just stoked for the finale. Cause someone comes back. Temporarily. And someone leaves. Thankfully. Never really liked them. Kinda wanted to kick them. But it's hard to replace awesomeness. Especially when they're getting their own spinoff. Which will be pure awesomeness and not an epic failure like Suspect Behavior. What kind of spinoff show name is that anyway? Seriously? Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior. just no. I'm sorry. Rambling. And now my heart rate is back up.

I think I'm gonna write. And like write some more. But not on here. I'll spare you. But there's a story idea floating around in my head and I might actually have the energy and excitement to put some of it onto virtual paper. We'll see how long that lasts. It's usually gone as soon as I hit "publish post".

AND NOW brought to you by....eh, whatever.
Okay, so the song of the night is like...I was like, okay, what's a song with an exclamation point in the title. Where people are like yelling. And this just came to mind. And I still love it after all this time...
And you will love it too...if you give it a chance. Which you so totally should. Cause it's only like less than 5 minutes of your time. And it's funny. And if you don't like it, you're free to yell at me later. Deal. Just listen.

"Yeah Toast!" Heywood Banks

i take it they're in texas....that verse isn't usually in it. but niiice addition.

hmmm....version two. Animated.

i would have posted this version but it's too distracting. i can't stop laughing. seriously. make it stop. i can't make it stop.

...and now all I can think of is YEAH BEARDS! oh grafton and your silly competition. a beard growing contest. seriously. at the q125. it was fantastic.

Tomorrow think I'm off around 5. Will have to catch up on some of those series.
On my list to watch at some point this week: season premieres of The New Girl, Two Broke Girls, NCIS, past couple episodes of The Closer....anything I'm missing?

PS - Favorite part of the day. I love being an Aide. It leads to hypothetical situations with people who shall remain nameless. Like, hypothetically, if, today I showed up and worked with two of my supervisors who shall remain nameless and one of them said, hypothetically, take this money and go buy me, other supervisor and yourself a soda from across the street, hypothetically, I would have grabbed it and ran!...to get soda...from across the street. Hypothetically. Then, when I hypothetically asked if I should put that in my job description for a hypothetical application that may or may not have been submitted, they replied um, no. Which is why this remains hypothetical. Totally hypothetical. Did NOT happen. Hypothetically.

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