I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, September 23, 2011

Say Goodnight and Go

"That was you?"
"It was dead!"

Today was hysterical. We have this chick who comes in and waters the plants. No idea how often she comes in, apparently not enough. Today she came in and one of them - that's usually above the large type books - was not there anymore so she asked where it went. I didn't even know there was a plant over there. Queen of the Known Universe - who I worked with every hour from 10-3 - sent out an email to our branch asking about it. That's when the Queen of Koha herself shows up and says she got rid of it.
"that was you?"
"it was dead!" she cleared it with Superwoman so it was fine. apparently no one else knew it was there either and she had just been watering a dead plant for who knows how long. But it was funny because she just threw it out this morning so the timing was perfect. And we got to tease her about being a plant killer. Not that I can really judge her, I kill cacti. Which is why they're at the farmhouse where Mom can take care of them. I do have an awesome balcony now, maybe I could give them a shot.

Quote of the day:
Patron trying to find a book: "Was that 'Shotgun Bride'?"
Me: "Secondhand Bride"
Patron: "Oh, I was looking for shotguns."

It was pretty nice today actually, not too fast but not too slow. Working with the QoftKU was fun. She's always entertaining. When we saw we worked that long together she said it was long enough to either kill each other or go on strike and plot a hostile takeover.

Last few hours of the day were mostly check-in. I did 5 carts in a little over an hour. Madhouse. But tomorrow's Saturday so don't know how many people will be scheduled to check stuff in.

I have class. No, not the style kind, so it's gonna be an early morning again. Stopping for coffee for me and the Library Goddess. I'm out so I can be semi-awake tomorrow.

"Say Goodnight and Go" Imogen Heap

love the look at 1:42 and the dancing immediately following it. she reminds me a little of an old friend I used to hang out with when I visited my sister. although she was a little more reserved...unless we were watching Kathy Smith videos or repeating the Water Buffalo song over and over.

ps - happy aubrey dollar day. can't believe cindy thomas turned 31. mass hysteria.


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