I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, September 12, 2011

Can't Touch This

"Nice boat."
"I think you would call it a yacht. And if it leaves the dock I'll be a stowaway."
"Yeah well, if it leaves the dock I'm gonna jump ship. Or yacht. Can you jump yacht?"

More Charlie's Angels. I'm hooked all over again. But still in second and third season. The longer I stick with these two the less likely I'll get to season four when I'll be horribly depressed by the lack of Sabrina. "I love you, I'll prove it, you won't like it, I don't care." My new motto for life. That and "Well that's something to scrapbook."

Today was something to scrapbook. I realized how out of shape I am - after last night's softball game I'm just in pain. My leg was throbbing all day, I had to keep it wrapped because it's disgusting - granted not as bad as last year's - and when you're shelving it's always up and down, dude, that hurt. Plus I'm still exhausted. But I love the double-header. Totally worth it, pumped for Saturday. Prince of Peace is going down. They're the team we never beat. And of course we play them when Pastor and his wife are out of town. But Homey-G-Wigger and me got the jump on them cause we played them yesterday with the E-Free. Their pitcher always kicks my butt, there's like a spin on it. Makes everything pop up so they can catch it. So I try to tomahock it and chop it down but that shoots it straight to the shortstop with the killer arm. I'm toast. But we'll see. So far we are the team to beat, I think. Cause we plowed the Methodists. And we as E-Free almost beat Prince of Peace - we were up by two until they decided to have a major comeback and scored like 8 in two innings. It was still a closer game than ours. Maybe this time G and I'll actually make it for real ice cream as tradition instead of the gas station kind that we got last night and last year after we played on their team as well. It's hard to find a place that's open past 8PM in G-Town. But the ice cream Snickers bar was fantastic.

After desking in the morning - can that be a verb? I'm making it one - and shelving in the afternoon I started working on my homework, blah! Reading and posting the highlights of an article on Leadership and Management and Libraries and surveys and Emotional Intelligence and blah. It's my article, I found it, so it's my fault, but still. blah. It'll be worth it in the end.

Clips of the night: You make me feel like dancing.
c'mon, everybody's doing it!

a bad guy with style. shades flew off in the blooper reel during that last turn.
i love sam rockwell. he and drew have paired up like 3 times now. maybe more. you got this, you got confessions of a dangerous mind, then everybody's fine, what's next?

although i like this one better

this is what happens whenever i have to move or clean, get distracted by the jam and dance, though i have yet to knock over a couch in the process. took them a day to come up with and film the dance.
yes i'm on an angels binge. it'll be over with soon enough i'm sure. it goes in spurts. i'm sure i'll get distracted by warehouse or chuck or something i get from the library soon enough.

oh no! some dude shot his mom while there was a burglar in the other room! can't really go to the cops for that..."so i was robbing this place, and this gun, it went off in the other room! and i went to check and she was dead! just dead!" "you were robbing the place?" "yeah, so? he shot her dead!"

ohhh, wait, that wasn't his mom? eww! generation gap ahoy!

Alright, off to read and watch more before I crash. OUT!

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