I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, September 26, 2011

Banished to the Backroom

That pretty much sums up this day.

Spent an hour and a half in the backroom of one library only to spend four more hours in the backroom of the other! The first one was cleaning - basically putting things in a box and putting it on a shelf so that the place looks clean, but as soon as it doesn't need to look clean any longer, things can be taken out of the box and put back where they were found. Long story.

Plus I attempted to vacuum but apparently the cord doesn't like me. But it does like my boss so maybe he vacuumed. Otherwise it'll be my second attempt tomorrow morning. And you should see this thing, it's like something out of Star Wars...or Ghostbusters. The vacuum is this jet pack thing that you strap on like a backpack. And I'm serious, I'll have to take a picture and upload it. Futuristic cleaning. If only it would actually work.

And the second library was checking in and changing statuses all day. So that was okay as well. Though it sounds tedious I was never actually alone in the backroom. It's the people that make the work worth it. That's what I figured out. I love the patrons and I love my coworkers. They make me laugh when the chips are down. (name that reference!) What more can I ask for? Today I checked in a book called "Booze Cakes" and was all over it. Spent my break flipping through it, MARGARITA CHEESECAKE MAN! And after doing so immediately showed it to Slim Shady who volunteered to host our baking session provided that Fearless Leader would bring her awesome baking supplies and mad baking skills. That chick is a mad baker. Serious business. I do enjoy our trio. Perhaps I shall have to come up with a clever nickname. That isn't the Three Musketeers. Overused. PS-Anyone know when that movie is coming out?

After the array of emotions exhibited today by myself and those thrown at me I'm completely and utterly exhausted. So, instead of boring you with incessant rambling or overloading you with youtube clips I'll hit you with these and go to bed.

Okay my coworkers and these girls are what got me through today...
Cybill's version of "My Baby Does the Hanky Panky"

I love it because it's just soooooo random! cybill takes maryanne out to the wilderness to find some sort of spiritual insight. about loses it at 0:18.

oh, how I miss that show. Wish they'd put it out on DVD. Oh, they have! Interesting...more on that later.

Song of the day: It's a Theory of a Deadman kind of day, but we won't go there.

"Little Miss Can't Be Wrong" Spin Doctors

they need a disclaimer. this many instruments were destroyed in the process of filming.

I hope you had a better day than I did.

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