I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Well let's play a game called Spot the Prius.

Oo, it's 11/12/13, do you know what that means?


I love these half and half days cause they don't drag on.

Work branch then break for lunch and head off to practicum.

Practicum Count-Up 77/90, score!

Don't know what I'll do when practicum gets over, it'll be 9-6 every day.

Not that my 9-6 is boring, but it's been nice to break it up every other day.

Today was interesting at practicum, went to a meeting with a bunch of big shots to talk about computer policy.

These are the first internet computers on campus for patients and because of our location the rules are a little bit more complicated than at a regular library.

We have to worry about outside contacts and all that so rule number one on our internet computers?

No social networking.

Gonna be interesting.

Came home to work on some homework and watch The Voice.

Okay, I love that show, I do, it's in my top 5 with WMC, Charmed, Friends, and Warehouse, but tonight's instant save thing was ridiculous.

First off, I'm pretty sure it was rigged cause even though I voted for Kat and I'm glad she won I saw nothing by Jonny's so I think they need a recount.

Second, you're leaving out half your viewers because you're only including votes from half the nation due to time zones.


Dear NBC, 

I love you and The Voice, 

But please do that never ever again. 

Thank you. 

Signed, a fan. 

Speaking of shows I love, or used to anyway, ran across this clip today.

Well at least they gave him a better goodbye than Gideon.

I miss that show.

That clip is the first I learned of him leaving, or of there being a new chick. Is she from one of the CSI's?

I refused to watch anymore after they fired JJ and Emily to fund a spinoff. Then hired them back in an attempt to save the fandom.

Didn't work as Paget quit immediately following that year. Not that I blame her, they treated her like crap, and even though JJ is back now full time the show's not the same without Emily so I've stopped watching for good.

Which is a shame cause it used to be really really good.

Here are a few of my favorites:

See, not the same without her.

I remember when I first got hooked, I watched an episode back in college with Sketch and then went out and got seasons 1-3 at Best Buy.

Mom got me season 4 for Xmas or birthday or something, I don't remember, but I do remember locking myself in my room and watching all of season 4 on Kate.

That was my old laptop.

This one is Ziva.

But now Ziva is getting old and full up so soon I'll have to get a different one. Or just use the iPad that I know about but I'm not supposed to remember I'm getting for graduation.


I'll have to think of a name for that as well.

Guess it would be fitting to name it after whoever's replacing Ziva on NCIS - another show I've stopped watching - why do all these shows have to kill off my favorite characters?! - who is replacing Ziva? Have they done that already?

Now I'm watching another one of my old favorites.

Craig Ferguson.

Used to watch his show every night for like 3 years, but then I got busy and distracted.

Watch this, it's hilarious.

on your right you'll see barbed wire...

I want Morgan Freeman to voice my GPS.

He's so calm, cool, and collected. Even when you get lost and/or are in hiding from the cops.

I don't know where I was going before all these TV rants. Work was fine. Practicum was good. Homework sucks. And I'm going in to work early tomorrow morning so I should crash before I go off on a different tangent.

On to the music:

A Hard Day's Night - Team Adam

i was worried cause the last time he did this with his team like last year or the year before it was awful. i think pip was in it, must have been 2 years ago.

We're an American Band - the men of The Voice

this was one of the coolest performances on the show so far. excellent.

My top 20 is fastly folding. Here's where I'm at now:

Red - Adam
Pink - Xtina
Green - Blake
Grey - CeeLo

Tessanne Chin
Matthew Schuler
Holly Henry - Eliminated in knockouts
Kat Robichaud
Grey - Eliminated in live rounds

Brandon Chase - Eliminated in knockouts
Michael Lynch - Eliminated in battles
Timyra Joi - Eliminated in battles
Briana Cuoco - Lost battle, stolen by Blake Eliminated in battles
Jacquie Lee

Tamara Chauniece - Eliminate in live rounds
Ashley Dubose - Defeated Justin battles Eliminated in battles
Monika Leigh - Lost battle, stolen by CeeLo Eliminated in battles
Shelbie Z - Eliminated in live rounds
James Wolpert 

Josh Logan - Eliminated in live rounds
Caroline Pennel
Johnny Gray - Eliminated in live rounds
Olivia Henken - Eliminated in live rounds
Ray Bourdeaux

Still have 3 of my top 5, 4 of my top 10, 5 of my top 15, and 7 of my top 20. Which is okay since we're down to the 10 artists total.

I'm super shocked that all of Blake's team made it through, I really thought Austin and Ray were screwed. Sad to lose Jonny and Josh.

and i'm out.

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