I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, November 18, 2013

"These Red Bull vodkas are strange. I feel like I'm getting drunk and electrocuted at the same time!"

That moment when you run into one of your best friends from college and go, wait what?

There were four of us that were pretty close in college. You've probably seen the pictures on Facebook and all that. One is in Illinois, another is in St. Louis, another is - or was - in Chicago and then there's me still here.

We did pretty much everything together. One of my exes so lovingly dubbed them as "the wolfpack" cause we had to approve if one of us was dating someone.

Although it only seemed to be me dating people that needed approval. Which explains why I'm in the double digits and the first of those digits isn't a one. They scared enough of them off. No they weren't that bad.

Anyway, so I'm walking from the parking lot to work this morning and I'm early - and I'm never early so it was meant to be - and I'm about to cross the street when I look up and I see a member of the wolfpack.

And, you know me in the mornings, I'm half asleep. So I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming, but then she froze too so then I knew it was real.

So weird. Apparently she works just a few blocks over.

Which is madness. But handy, we'll have to do lunch.

That was the start of my double-take day.

The second one of those double-takes was when one of my coworkers got hit on. This drunk dude - or really hyper dude it was up for debate - told her she needed to be on the cover of a catalog for gray hair.

I would have smacked him, but she just walked away.

The third double-take of the day came when the boyfriend decided we were going to see Last Vegas.

It was actually pretty good. Scale of Awesome says 7/10. I'd see it again. The kid that played young DeNiro was a definite double-take moment, holy crap he was dead on.

The thing about seeing a movie like this in a small town is that the average age of the audience was at least mid-40's so there was a lot of laughter in agreement on what was going on.

But it was good, I liked it.

Alright, should crash. Tomorrow is back to practicum - only 3 days left - and then dinner with the Cool Aunt and the Library Goddess.

Should be fun.

Song of the Day:

Somewhere Only We Know - Lily Allen

okay, this is just mean. i love lily allen but i hate this song. cause i love it. and there's a history. but that's more of a long story. i'm gonna shut up now before i tell it.

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