I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, November 14, 2013

"I've got this completely under control!" "Is that why everything's on fire?"

I drug the boyfriend to see Thor 2: The Dark World tonight.

Kat Dennings!

That's what I yelled every time we saw this preview in theaters.

Scale of Awesome says 8/10. Thought it was pretty good, maybe better than the first, but I don't know I'll have to rewatch it to judge.

And then the Avengers after that.

I love Loki.

Tom Hiddleston is perfect.

Here are a few of my favorite lines:

Sif: "I've got this completely under control!" 
Thor: "Is that why everything's on fire?"

Blonde Zachary Levi: Perhaps next time we should start with the big one.

Darcy: Our friend Erik went banana balls.

Darcy: It's okay we're Americans.
Jane: Is that supposed to make them like us?

Jane Foster: [slaps Loki] That was for New York!
Loki: I like her.

Dr. Erik Selvig: There is nothing more reassuring than knowing that the world is crazier than you are.

Loki as Captain America: Wanna have a rousing discussion about truth, honor, patriotism?

Loki: Hitting doesn't solve everything.

Loki: I think you missed a column.
Thor: Shut up!

Loki: Well done, you just decapitated your grandfather.

The whole blonde Zachary Levi thing totally threw me.

For one it looks nothing like him so it took me half the movie to figure out that that was Chuck Bartowski. It wasn't him in the first movie, right?

Other than that I was in it. Liked the humor in this one, especially him hanging his hammer by the door to be polite. That was amusing.

Oh and the cameos by Stan Lee and Chris Pine.


Looking forward to part three - major cliffhanger during the credits. We didn't stick around to see if there was another clip after the credits, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was - did I miss something?

Avengers 2 will probably come out before Thor 3. Wonder if Loki will make an appearance in that one as well...could possibly with the way it ended.

Ah well, other than that the day was good. Only three more days of practicum left before my 90 hours are up, woohoo!

Song of the Day:

Hard Out There - Lily Allen

yay, she's back!! stoked.


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