I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

She's choppin' broccoli.

So apparently I'm uncultured because I didn't know Dana Carvey enjoyed watching women chop broccoli.

Fortunately, I have siblings who teach me these things.

Here's what I learned today.

We frequently text random things back and forth and the majority of them between the sisters are lyrics.

Mostly Troll Doll ones, but others are included as well.

And then you've got my brother who is overloaded by all this randomness and says something to the effect of "stop making my phone beep."

To which Oldest Sister replied "beep" about 10 times in 2 minutes.

It was rather amusing.

It was just a really random day. Got that text. Then there's this patron who decided to throw a huge temper tantrum when she got caught breaking the rules, but then again I threw my own when my favorite aide decided today was her last day and fist bumped me on the way out the door.

We're losing all the good ones.

Then, I get home and check my email to find a message from one of my college professors checking in on me. I haven't heard from her in years.

As much as I hated that place the teachers did actually care.

They should put that on a business card. 

I'm sorry, that's awful. 

But anyway, she wrote me a recommendation letter along with three others there and she still cares to check in. It's nice. Speaking of, I should write a letter to the one I correspond with regularly, I'm way behind on that.

After that randomness it was time for online class where we talked about getting library jobs - which I already have so... but it was a good review and there was other stuff too - then I finished my practicum stuff and uploaded that, oh the correct Practicum Count-Up is actually 51:30/90 cause that includes the after hours stuff, looked over Comps sources and made plans with my comrades to meet up.

We're all freaked cause this is a make or break exam so we're gonna meet up and go over sources and ideas on Sunday and then again later in the week to make sure everything makes sense.

The goal is to stop the flailing.

I guess in this circumstance you can't stop all the flailing but our goal is to limit the flailage so that we're able to focus and pass these damn tests and be done with homework eternally!

You know, after we finish the semester.

We haven't picked a spot yet but we've decided that coffee is essential.

Any suggestions on the south side of town?

That's all I got for today. Tomorrow's a staff meeting so I should probably crash soon.

On to the music:

Domino - Grey vs. Nic Hawk

Grey is one of my favorites but I'm glad Nic got saved. He was number 21 on my top 20.

Legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.

with a little bit of luck i can find me a girl with a truck, yeah!

dangit, it's back in my head again.

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