I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"You get the jerky, I'll get the nuts."

So I was actually productive today. Shocker for a day off. I got to see my best friend this weekend, hooray! We watched a movie that we both don't remember the plot - I totally konked out of the couch.
Then I got my car registered, it didn't take as long as I thought it would. But I'm just comparing it to what it looks like in the movies and how the lines are so long. Apparently they usually are but at 10:30ish there's kind of a break. There you go, Tip #1, if forced to go to the DMV, do so more than an hour after opening but more than an hour before lunch. Everyone tries to fit it in in the morning or during their lunch hour.
Then I met up with my sisters and got a lot of christmas shopping done. We went to like four places that were on completely different sides of town. Madness. But awesome. It's exciting, I love christmas. And now I have the kids - aka my nieces and nephews - done so all I have left are the brothers and sisters plus my parents. And my cat. But he's not picky. I'll buy him treats and he'll love me forever.
So I bought a lot of books, legos, mario brothers stuff, crafty things and clothing. The hardest part was carrying everything all the way up the stairs in my apartment by myself. I got everything in one trip which was ridiculous but it's freezing outside and I seriously just wanted to be done.
Now I just have the adults to worry about. They're harder than the kids. My sisters usually give me hints or tell me what they want, but what do you get for grown men for christmas? Like brothers-in-law? Other than like socks, which is usually what my mom does. And like pajama pants or something. Sarah says to get her husband "snacky" foods. That's her word not mine. (that's where the title came from.) Which I guess is easy enough and every year I get my other b-i-l coffee from starbucks - like a set of coffee beans, he likes the ethiopian blend - so maybe I'll do that again.
Then there's the parentals. Mom always says she doesn't need anything. And Dad I'm never sure about but I want to get them something good because I just got a car with a lot of their help. They are hard to buy for. But I look forward to the challenge.

Now I'm exhausted. We were all over the place today, hence the tired ramblings. I'm gonna konk out here again soon. Hope you all had a great Monday.

"Cause you were just too busy being fabulous..." That's an actual song? Really? I had never heard of it until today in Sarah's van. Seriously?

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