I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Things that make you go hmmm....

Thing 1 - (yes I'm going Dr. Seuss on you)
Come out to car for lunch break and find mysterious envelope on windshield. A little creepy. Upon opening text possible person of origin and get it confirmed. Not a stalker. Yay for small victories.

Thing 2 - Almost got shmeered *smeared? **shmeared?? ***schmeared??? on route back to work. Truck pulled out in front of me, I slammed on my breaks (yay for new tires on a new car) as did the car immediately behind me. Both thankfully on time. Incident shook me up but Jarvis and I are okay. Yes I've settled on a name. He's Jarvis and he's still shiny. Sort of.

Thing 3 - Cousin whom I haven't seen in ages - like, literally ages cause she's freaky smart and goes to Yale - shows up mysteriously at library with my aunt! Total awesomeness! We talked school, roller derby - of course - family, future plans, dance dance revolution and the like. Was nice to see her again. Now flashing back to family roadtrips to Florida and California... writing songs about bears and listening to Shania Twain's "That don't impress me much" on repeat. I love both sides of my family but on that side I actually have cousins my own age so that's kind of nice. We do family reunions and weddings are a big deal and all that. It's fun.

Thing 4 - I'm debating New Year's Resolutions. I'm down to a few that are doable. I feel like I should make an official list. And like plan for that list. Because every year I say I'm going to do something and never even attempt to do it. I'm sure that's true for many people but I think now is the time I should change things in my life aka health and routine stuff.

Thing 5 - Missouri is playing Iowa. Since I'm technically going to grad school through the Univerisity of Missouri I feel obligated to cheer for them. Not that I'm a big fan of Iowa anyway. I will probably fall asleep by halftime anyway. Maybe I should add in a social life change to that resolution list as well.

Anybody out there have any good resolutions?
Out for the night.

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