I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Well, at least the baby stopped crying...

So, I suck at this whole posting thing. I've been crazy busy which really isn't an excuse because I've made time to do other things.
In an attempt to make up for lost time I will come up with a list of the random events that have occurred throughout the week.
1. Had a conversation with coworkers about the fashion of troll dolls. Apparently their bold fashion statement of flamboyant hair and shirts that show off their big stomachs are making a comeback. That's what you get when you work downtown and see all the crazies. Thankfully they are wearing pants. Well, most of them.
2. Went to see Harry Potter 7 again, this time with Nic and Megan. Still awesome. And we ran into Becky so that was cool. We sat in the back and made sarcastic comments - mostly because people kept going up and down the stairs to the balcony and it constantly sounded like a stampede and because someone brought their baby. Why would you bring a baby to Harry Potter? It's loud and scary! Strange, right? Anyway, the kid cried a lot and the best line of the whole experience took place in the middle. Nicole and I were making faces about the stampede and Nic leans over and says, "well, at least the baby stopped crying." I died. I think that's one of those you have to be there moments, but it made my night.
3. Vicki and I have either been working too much lately or we just need to get more sleep. Every morning we've worked together we've both been completely out of it. I'm like a walking zombie and she almost falls asleep at the desk. She has declared us to be sleep-deprived space cadets. Today was fun though because she decided we should box up all the donations - both of us - so I commented that maybe between the two of us space cadets we could form one fully functional human being. That worked well.
4. Xmas program at church was Sunday. They decided to do it early this year because last year it almost didn't happen. With all the snow and power outtages - it was a mess. But this year's went well. My niece was the best. And I'm not saying that because of favoritism. She said her line loud and clear and not too fast. I was quite proud actually. Everyone else mumbled theirs. I remember that though, you're nervous cause everyone is staring at you. I looked everywhere but the crowd. This time I just got to sing in the choir. Dad gave me crap for never looking up from my music but it was the first time I'd sang it! I didn't practice with them, I just show up and sing since I can't make it to practices. It was easy enough. After that it was Pizza Hut for lunch then practice to sing at Heritage. We went gypsy caroling. We call it gypsy caroling because earlier in the year we had gone around Heritage singing camp songs on family day. One of our friends called us the gypsies. Liz became our "gypsy leader" and now that nickname is totally going to stick. I'll make it stick. Camp should be fun.
5. Along with being a sleep-deprived space cadet I am also very giggly at inappropriate times. It's bizarre. I was trying to tell a story to a coworker in the staff room and I couldn't get through it. I laughed so hard I started crying. It was bad. But the story was just funny, because I can still picture... okay, so this dude was on one of the internet computers and his phone rang. Meanwhile, we have this amazing older lady who comes in and volunteers at the smaller branch. She processes new materials and does the holds and yeah. She's awesome and hilarious. She was attempting to use the self-check and even though it hates me I was trying to help. (it's new and never accepts my barcode. evil.) We couldn't get it to work so we stood there for a while. Back to the guy, his phone rings, he answers, and the speaker is set on like high so you can hear everything the person on the line is saying. At first it's all hi, how are you. Then out of nowhere she's like "I have diahrrhea...bad!" And the volunteer turns to me and makes this face like she's like scandelized or something. I seriously died on the spot. That expression will come to mind every time I see her, I swear it's burned into my brain. So I tried to tell that story at work, and just like now when I was typing it out, it took me a couple tries to make all the way through it without collapsing on myself. Too funny.
6. Speaking of the smaller branch, we had our xmas party today. I brought the silverware and plates and stuff and I found these napkins that say, "what happens at the holiday party stays at the holiday party!" They were a big hit. We're sending one to our boss who was sick and couldn't make it. I love those people, they're too fun.
7. Another thing this sleep-deprived space cadet couldn't stop laughing at inappropriately was this line from Just Shoot Me. It's a Nina Van Horn specialty, she always had the best ones, but I died. I couldn't stop. It was endless, but I had to hold it in as I was up in the lab and it was like dead silent. I'm sure my coworker thought I was going nutso. Maybe I am nutso. Here's the short version, Nina and Maya went walking somewhere and Maya sees a guy juggling. Nina turns up at the office with a cast on her arm. When asked why she replies, "Little tip: never yell, 'Look, he's got six balls!' at someone who's about to step off a curb."
Today was not a serious day for me at all.
8. I actually got to watch Mike and Molly. Mom dvr'd a few, they are pretty funny. I'm glad, I like Melissa McCarthy, I hope it stays on. It had some good one-liners as well. "You're a closed book!"
"No, I'm not! I'm an open catalogue laying on the night stand!"
"I don't know what that means, I'm lost!"
"You wanted space, go sit on a missile!"
9. Another fun library moment - a coworker of mine is a true librarian. In like the truest sense. A patron returned a book - big picure of Lana Turner on the cover. She picks up the book and says, "look at this binding!" "Yeah, who's that on the cover?" "I don't know, I was just admiring the binding." I noticed. But I love this woman. She's great with the patrons and answered every one of my stupid questions during training.
10. Fun reference questions I've had lately - "what is the average salary of an roman emporer?"
"what is the opposite of pianissimo?"
"when does that green lantern movie come out?" He asked mainly because I was wearing a green lantern shirt. I wear fun shirts when I'm an aid.
11. Got to play video games with my niece and nephew - TMNT mostly. We love it - and while hitting robots with my big stick (i'm donatello...always. we have our usual characters. joe likes to fly so he's mikey. mandy likes red so she's rafael.) I frequented the response "yeah! stick that in your speedo jacuzzi bob!" thank you Big Bang Theory.
12. I got to catch up on The Closer - I'm about to watch the new one right now - and NCIS when I went home so that was nice. I liked serious Tony in this one. I thought he was pulling a prank, good ending, good ending.
13. Isn't it unlucky to end on 13? Oh well. I'm taking the chance. I'm off for the night to watch The Closer and Castle. Then more work tomorrow, hooray! I'm crazy. It's official.
ps- why is the bad guy from ncis and literally every other show he's in watching robots break through walls on the directv commercials? isn't he in jail? didn't they just lock him up?

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