I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, December 10, 2010

"Yeah, but what's the long name of it?"

So, it's official. I've covered for all of my coworkers at one of the branches. There's some kind of virus plague going around or something because everyone's been out and since I work as an LA2 at the other library I just basically get promoted when I walk through the door. But not a big deal, I'm getting paid more and it's not like I have something else to do really. Yesterday I went in three times. 9-12 1-3 then 6-8. Today was just 9-6. Which is still busy, especially since there was just two of us all day. But since it's so fast if you're there yourself the day flies by pretty quickly. My highlight though was when this older lady called and was like,
"which branch is this one?" i told her
"is it the one by the pizza place?" i suppose that's us
"what's the name of it" i repeated the name
"yeah, but what's the long name of it?" what? then it hit me, the other branches are named after people but we're just named after the street we're on. so i was like, Nope, we're not that creative.
Then she wanted to buy the new George Bush book from us. Again, not booksellers so had to find her the number for Barnes and Noble. But she ended the call with a "oh, bless your heart" so i feel pretty special.
The best part of the whole thing were the other patrons reactions as they were clearly eavesdropping on the conversation and my coworker was on break so it was just me. The guy was like "you should tell her it's the George (street name) branch."

In other news, I get to sleep in tomorrow so I just watched the Bones episode and the Glee episode that I missed. Both very emotional. I actually cried at like each scene that Coach Beiste was in. Damn these strange girl emotions. I'm not sure if I like this season as much as last year. I bought the Xmas album last week tonight I bought the volume 4 soundtrack.
Bones was excellent as always, Enrico Colantoni guest starred!!! and all I could think of was Elliot from Just Shoot Me. I love that show. I like that even Brennan has a little crazy to her.
Tomorrow planning on going to see RED with my brother. Hooray! Gotta love small town theaters that get the movies 3 months after they've been released. But the Deathly Hallows is next week already so that one came pretty quickly. Should be fun. My oldest sister makes fun of me when I go with him though. "Are you that hard up for a date?!" Nope. Just like going to see movies with him. He's a good brother.

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