I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Came Indeed!

Even though I didn't watch the Grinch - will have to tomorrow - or listen to any Doris Day - left cd at apartment - or watch Home Alone - watched old dvr'd xmas episodes of favorite shows instead, Christmas did indeed come.
My great aunt came out after church and we played some pitch and watched the parade, (hooray for Amber Riley!!) Dad and I won 3 games out of 4. After she left we opened presents, ate more food, mom and dad danced to Squeezebox - long story - then we laid around and watched tv. Well, I laid around and watched, Mom fell asleep in her chair as usual, and I'm sure Dad watched football or something in the other room. We're very social. The presents were fun, Dad was excited about his The Who cd which he put in immediately and Mom liked all her stuff from me - asti, earrings and bath n body stuff. Some of my highlights were pajama pants, a sweatshirt with headphones in it as the strings, fancy vodka with shot glasses (my aunt picked out. mom was like "how does kathy know you collect shot glasses?" Cause I got one in Kansas when we went to the last Husker game down there. Mom thinks it's bizarre that I collect them but I got it from my brother - he does it too.) and wine in a bottle shaped like a cat. Seriously. It's awesome. I'm going to have to upload a picture.
All-in-all it was a good day.

Xmas episodes I've watched this weekend - NCIS, The Closer, Bones, How I Met Your Mother, Glee, NCIS Los Angeles
Wow, I totally need a life. But it's Christmas. I'm entitled to be lazy, right?
I'm actually kind of sad that it's over. It always feels so weird, that you wait so long for it to come and in like 24 hours it's over. Oh well, technically ours isn't over since our family xmas isn't until New Years. Since all my siblings have in-laws and lives and stuff it was the only free day. This means I get to go back to work this week and buy more stuff, woohoo!
I'm still missing something for my sister. And I think I'm gonna go find more for mom since we're getting her one big thing - which she'll love - but I dunno how much other things they're getting her. And I gave her all my other stuff today.
I'm not allowed to buy my niece anything more - or so my sister says. I've spent far too much on her, but honestly I spoil her. It's true. She's the oldest and she thinks I'm the cool aunt and she's funny. So's my nephew. They're both really funny. But she takes after me with the writing and the one-liners she's stolen from me and the red highlights - her mother hates me for that last one. I hope she doesn't inherit my talent for procrastination. And she's taller than me already. I honestly can't stand next to her anymore.

I mentioned last time that I love the songs. That's one of my favorite parts of Christmas, right after crazy moments with family. My all-time favorite xmas song is Oh Holy Night - well, depending on who's singing it. Christina Aguilara's version isn't my favorite, Lea Michelle did it justice on the Glee xmas cd. Another gift from mom. But my second favorite is the 12 Days of Christmas. Relient K has a great version but no matter which version I listen to the only ones I end up singing over the actual lyrics are Jeff Foxworthy's or Janice Dickinson's. Weird combination, huh? Especially when it ends up as something like "5 Flannel Shirts, 4 Italian Suits, 3 Former Husbands, 2 Giant Breasts and some parts to a Mustang GT."

Since it's officially Christmas I'll share my favorites.
Number one xmas video on my list is of course Janice Dickinson's. I die every time I watch it. It's highly inappropriate but it's sooo funny.

I love 1:03 I literally fall over laughing at that part and 1:13...and 2:12...too funny.

Second is Jeff Foxworthy's Redneck Xmas which you can find here:
Is it just me or does the Mustang GT part recipient look suspiciously like Jim Carrey?

And a close third is the Indian 12 Days of Christmas. Very funny. And catchy...

Love the look on the wife's face.

Peace on earth.

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